From A Car Crash To A Crush

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"Life is a gamble. You can get hurt. But people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day." ~ Muhammad Ali

I had just put my seat-belt on right before it happened. I was in a 2004 Pontiac Grand Am on my back from shopping at the mall for my seventeenth birthday with my friends Miranda, Hunter, Ivy and, Ian. We were just laughing, having a good time, and enjoying the beautiful day outside.

"Truth or Dare?" Miranda asked me.

"Umm..Truth?" I replied.

"If you had to date a teacher, which one would you choose?" Hunter answered looking at me in the rear view mirror before Miranda even had a chance to ask her question.

"Mr. Vega!" I said rather loudly. I knew I had answered way too quickly because they all went into hysterics. My crimson cheeks were a dead giveaway that I wasn't kidding about my crush on our history teacher who was a good seven years older than me.

"Shit," Hunter yelled.

My friend Hunter saying his last word and the sound of shattering glass is the last thing I can remember hearing before the car went airborne, ejecting three of my best friends, and changing my life forever..


Miranda's screaming. Her painful scream is the only thing pushing me to wake up. After a few seconds of blurriness I focus on Hunter's bloodied face near inches from mine. His eyes are open but that's as much as I see before my stomach clenches and empties in the backseat of the car. A far away blood-curdling scream drags me from my mess, and there's only one person whom it could belong to, Miranda. Just then, a stranger's face peers in through the broken out window. I can see his mouth moving but I can't make out any of his words.

A few seconds of silence passes but Miranda's latest screams startle me into action. I try to open my door but my arm isn't cooperating and it won't budge. The stranger reaches his hands in and begins to help me out. I try to help ease the difficulty but keeping conscious is a struggle enough as it is.

I fall into a pile on the asphalt and begin to search for my injured best friend. I see blood everywhere but none of my friends. I try to make it to my feet as I spot her sprawled out down the road about 100 feet. If it weren't for the stranger's strong arms I would've fell right back down again.

I look up into the bright blue eyes that belong to the kind stranger and listen to his assurances that everything would be okay as I again drift off into unconsciousness.


The sound of someone sobbing nearby rouses me from my deep slumber. I tried desperately to escape the pounding inside of my head but the crying isn't helping anything. The more I try to go back to sleep the more I get a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. Where am I?

I finally decide to brave opening my eyes, finding that I was laying in a hospital bed with my crying mother drenching my blankets with her tears..


Author's Note:

That little car is the one that Morgan and her friends were riding in.

(That's a real picture of the car my sister was in when she was in her crash)

Lots of Love, Ashley.

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