Why should I?

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It had been two weeks since I had, had any contact with elves. It was peaceful and I was happy. After I had left Mirkwood, I had traveled toward the Lonely Mountain hoping I could find a nice cave to live in for a little bit. I was walking along the mountain when I found just what I was looking for, a nice, damp, smelly cave.

I cautiously walked in and looked around. It didn't look like anyone lived here. So I put my backpack down and started to make a fire. I was so caught up in my work, that I didn't hear or see the pack of orcs coming up behind me.

I felt a cold piece of metal pushed against my skin and stopped what I was doing. "Come along she-elf if you want to live. You may be of value to the white one." An Orc spoke with distaste laced in every word.

I stood up slowly and looked into the face of my kidnapper. I was surrounded by a pack of Orcs and Wargs. I could go no where. The orcs pushed me out into the moonlight and I looked around astonished. It was not like orcs to take everyone into their victims home. Some usually stayed outside to guard. None were there.

"What happened to the others?" one of the orcs asked. Others were saying "look around" or "I smell dwarf". I just stood there and looked around.

Out of the corner of my eye. I saw a movement in the shadows. I looked a little closer and saw the outline of a small man holding a sword. In other words, a dwarf.

"Arggggggg!" the dwarf let out a battle cry and took on the rest of the orc pack. He ran towards me and cut my hands free. I grabbed my bow and arrow and started to shoot any orcs who came near me. After I had slaughtered more than half, I looked for the dwarf. I saw him stick his sword in an orc and move on to the next. I saw an orc moving behind him with an ax raised above my head. I grabbed a knife my belt and flung it at the orc. The dwarf had just turned around when the knife I threw embedded itself in the orc's head.

The dwarf looked at me with a look of anger and gratitude mixed into one. I tilted my head and looked at him weirdly.

"What are you looking at she-elf?" the dwarf asked. Very rudely if I might add.

"I wanted to know why you saved me?" I asked

"I didn't want to save you, you were in my way and you could have helped me."

"Why do you hate me? I am grateful that you saved me."

"I don't hate you. I hate what you are. When the Lonely Mountain was being taken by the dragon Smaug, none of your kind came to my people's side. The elves of Mirkwood just watched as my people were being slaughtered." he spoke with distaste. "THEY STOOD AND WATCHED!" he had raised his voice.

"I am so sorry. The elves of Mirkwood are egotistical jerks who only care about themselves. I hate them. That's why I left them. That's why you found me in the company of orcs. I want nothing to do with them. Trust me."

"Why should I?"

"The elves have turned their backs on me, so I turned my back on them."

The dwarf looked at me then said, "What is your name?"

"My name is Alexandrea, but you can call me Lex. What is yours?"

"I am Thorin Oakenshield. You seem to resent the elves as much as I do. Would you like to go visit a place called the Shire with me. I will be meeting Gandalf the Grey there?"

"I would love to." I said smiling at him.

"Good lets go." Thorin walked away into the night and I followed him into the darkness.


Author's Note

Sorry it took so long to update. I had lots of things going on. I hope you all like it!

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Love, Liv

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