Now Sebastian loves Chris so much, but he can sure be a pain in the ass - both physically and literally - and Sebastian does get rather sick and tired with having to clean up after him all the time. He shouldn't have to pick up after Chris when he's pregnant, but that's just how it seems to be. Thankfully Chris isn't the type of alpha that thinks all omegas need to do all of the house work, and that omegas need to be somewhat of slaves to their alphas. Chris just has a hard time with actually doing any housework without being asked to.

So far, the tree was coming along nicely with all the tinsel, and array of other ornaments and baubles hanging on the tree. Some areas did look a little shabby - Sebastian will admit - but those areas are what the girls decorated and neither Sebastian nor Chris want to disappoint the girls in fixing up the areas that they decorated. Besides, the tree doesn't have to be one hundred percent perfect. Though, they might need to go out and buy some more Christmas lights for the tree, as the ones they've got now no longer work.

"Ah, come on!" Chris exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares down at the box of decorations. "I knew this was bound to happen."

Sebastian looks over at him in confusion, before glancing down at the box to find that Muffy had jumped inside and was now curled up asleep on the tinsel and other ornaments. How he found it comfortable to sleep in there on top of those, Sebastian will never know. Then again, maybe the tinsel isn't that uncomfortable, but there's still some more tree ornaments and baubles in the box, and those definitely don't semi like they'd be very comfortable to sleep on.

Shaking his head a little, Sebastian lets out a small giggle, before walking over to the box. Carefully, he bends over as much as he can manage, to lift the ginger tom cat out of the box, and holds him to his chest.

"What do you think you're doing in there, aye boy?" Sebastian cooes to Muffy, who just meows at him, before licking his cheek. "Come on." He says, smiling as Muffy rubs the top of his head under his chin and jawline where there was just the faintest ghosting of stubble. "Let's go find you another box to sleep in."

"You baby that cat too much, Seb." Chris chuckles, shaking his head.

Sebastian turns round to face Chris, an eyebrow raised as he stares at his husband. "That's because he is my little baby." He says.

"Honey, the cat is nearly twelve years old." Chris says, shaking his head a little in amusement. "He's not really a baby kitten anymore."

"I don't care, he's still my baby boy." Sebastian says, kissing the top of Muffy's head. "Besides, he's probably the closest thing we're going to get as a son at this rate." He adds. "All you seem to be able to make are girls."

"Sebastian, we're only on our third kid." Chris whines a little. "The next one after this one will be a boy, I just know it." He says. "And I can prove it to you eventually that I can make boys, not just girls."

"Okay, Chris." Sebastian laughs a little, shaking his head, before making his way to the kitchen.

He walks into the kitchen, seeing as there is a cardboard box in there that Muffy often sleeps in, and sets him down inside it. Muffy curls up straight away on the pillow inside it, before lifting his head up to meow at Sebastian, before purring loudly.

This causes Sebastian to smile, as he sits down on the floor next to the box, and strokes a hand through Muffy's fur. He sure does love this cat, and he's not sure what he'd do if he ever lost him, or if he were to die any time soon. Muffy is just as much of his baby as his girls are, and he'll protect them all from danger, even if his life depended on it. He doesn't care if he gets hurt while saving his babies, just as long as they're safe, then he's okay.

Chris is exactly the same, he'd do anything to make sure Sebastian and their girls are safe. He won't exactly admit it, but he'll also do anything he can to make sure Muffy is safe too. He knows exactly how much that cat means to Sebastian, and he doesn't want to see his husband hurting over his little ginger baby getting hurt.

Though even if Chris won't admit it to him, Sebastian already knows that he'd do anything to make sure Muffy is safe. Muffy is an Evans and apart of the family too, and he gets just as much protection right as the rest of the family, even if he is a cat.

Sebastian goes to stand up so he can go back into the living room to finish helping decorate the tree, but stops as he realizes that he's got himself into a slight problem. He can't get up. Most of the time he forgets how difficult it is to get back up off the floor on your own while pregnant.

Though honestly, all throughout each of Sebastian's pregnancies, he's found that he rather enjoys just sitting in the middle of the floor. He doesn't really know why all that much, maybe because he just needs a rest every so often. It often resulted in Chris coming home from work to find Sebastian just sitting on the floor either reading a book, or just sitting there. Most of the time it was simply cause he couldn't get back up, or he just couldn't be bothered getting up as the pregnancy drains a lot of his energy, sometimes quicker than he'd like it to.

Sighing, he sits there, debating on whether to call out to Chris for help, try and get up himself, or just crawl into the living room. Crawling might make him tire and hurt quicker, so Sebastian mentally crosses that off the list, and decides not to call out for Chris's help.

Instead, he crawls over to one of the chairs at the table, and uses it to hoist himself up onto his feet. It ends up taking him slightly longer than he first thought it would, but once he's standing he walks back into the living room to find Chris and the girls hanging Christmas lights on the tree. As it turns out, they did already have brand new Christmas lights, so they don't need to go out and buy new Christmas lights at all.

"You okay?" Chris asks, looking over at Sebastian who just walked into the room. "You were in the kitchen for awhile." He comments.

Sebastian shrugs, walking over to Chris's side, wrapping his arms round his waist once Chris finishes hanging the lights on the tree. "I couldn't get up off the floor." Sebastian admits, resting his head on Chris's shoulder.

"Why didn't you call out for help?" Chris asks, wrapping an arm round Sebastian.

"You were busy decorating the tree with the girls." Sebastian shrugs. "It looks great by the way." He adds.

"Mommy!" Taissa says, walking over to Sebastian's side with Emma following behind. "We saved you the star to put on the top!" She hands him the big golden star, and he smiles down at her. "You're the biggest star here, so you can put the star up!" She adds, stumbling over her words a little.

"Thank you, sweetie." Sebastian says. Smiling widely at his oldest daughter's words, before moving out of Chris's hold to put the star on top of the tree.

It's a bit of a stretch to get it right on the top, but once he's finally got it up on the top of the tree, Sebastian stands back a little, admiring how nice the tree looked now that it was decorated. Now the only thing it needed was the presents underneath it, and some candy canes hanging on some of the branches. Other than that though, it looked great. Then again, Chris also needs to switch on the lights on the tree to make it look even better than it does right now.

Moving back over to Chris's side, he retreats back to his spot nestled against Chris with both of Chris's arms round him, holding him close. There's nothing in the world that Sebastian loves than being with his family, and right now, he's loving every minute of it.

But what would make this so much better, is if baby Evans girl number three was finally born.

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