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a/n I'm just giving you the first chapter and the rest will be revealed on Easter (mysterious? I know)




"Those are Easter eggs you just threw all over the garden, which I just tended."

"And here I thought people with glasses were meant to be smart, it's Easter egg confetti - the best kind."

"Who on Earth does this?"

"Connor, he delivered candy canes around this area last year."

"You must be Julian, his only friend."

"Then you must be Bratty Natty."

"How dare you! Fine then, Droolian."

"You think I'm drool worthy? Yeah, me too."

"I don't want your Easter eggs."

"But-but-but they're Easter eggs, everyone wuvs chocolate."

"Are you attempting puppy dog ears because it looks like you've got hay fever?"

"Yeah, drama has never been my thing. Where you heading off to?"

"For a run."

"In this weather?"

"Um yeah? I need to do my one hour of cardio a day."

"Today could be your rest day."

"If I end up eating the chocolate, I don't think I can afford to take a rest day."

"It's fine, a day off won't kill you."

"Obesity will."

"You're not obese and there's nothing wrong with that either! Easter eggs and confetti, you're impossible! So what if you weight twenty kilos or five hundred, at least you're happy eating Easter eggs."

"Goodbye and take your chocolate eggs with you, I don't need them."

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