"What are we waiting for?" I asked and he smirked as we ran down the steps and to Finn's car. 

I got into the front seat as Finn backed out of the driveway.

"How did you even find out about Matt?" Finn asked me as he drove down the road.

"I saw him in a dream. It felt like he was right there, Finn." I said and Finn looked at me.

"Mack, how did you see him if he's dead and you have no memory of him?" Finn asked me as I stared back at him. He looked back at the road and started driving again.

"Finn, I had a conversation with him." I said and Finn pulled into the library.

"That is so strange considering he's dead." Finn said.

"How do you think I felt?!?!?! What do you want me to tell other people when they ask me how I fund out about him?!?!?!? 'He talked to me in my dreams.' Because that sounds normal!" I yelled at Finn and he shrugged.

"You could say that-" 

"Finn!" I yelled at him and he sighed. "Let's just go and find that book." I said and I opened the door as Finn stepped out and we both walked into the library.

"You know, you look beautiful." Finn whispered into my ear and I smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Finn. It feels good to be called beautiful for once." I smiled and Finn nodded.

"Friends don't lie to friends." he smiled and I smiled as Finn led me down one of the aisles of books.

"Finn, what are these?" I asked puling a book out. It was covered in a thin layer of dust and me and Finn smirked at each other.

"That's not creepy." he smirked and I chuckled as I blew the dust off of the cover.

"What do you know, 'Newspaper articles-2006'." I smirked and I carried the heavy book over to a table setting it down as I sat down. Finn sat down next to me and he opened the book searching for a date. "What date did he die?" I asked Finn.

"Um, June 27, 2006 is the day he died." Finn said.

"So we would need the entry for June 28." I said and Finn turned to the newspaper for that day. I stared at the page with all of the obituaries.

"Yeah." Finn said and I searched for my older brother's name.

"Why don't I remember him at all?" I asked Finn confused.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you were so young and not close with him." Finn said and I put my finger on the picture of Matt.

"He looks so much younger than he was in my dream." I whisper as I read the obituary.

"Because he's 19 now." Finn said and I continued to read.

"My parents left five years later after his death, to the exact date." I said and Finn looked at me.

"Wow." he said

"It says that he had been beaten and then was shot to death." I gasped and Finn nodded sadly.

"He died terribly." Finn said.

"Wait, look at this." I said and Finn looked at what my finger was pointing too.

"'He left behind his little sisters, Mackenzie(7) and Mariah(11). He also left behind an older brother Connor(15).'" Finn read and I looked at him.

"That doesn't make sense that his name would be Connor. We all have names that start with 'm' and 'a'. Why does his start with a 'c'?" I asked and Finn didn't look at me. "You know him don't you." I hissed at Finn.

ScaredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon