Jon & Ramsay x reader

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Guys,before I start,I just want to let you know that I really appreciate your feedback,so feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me :) Also,I am really sorry if your requests are delayed and for not updating,but I'm really busy.Thank you all very much 💕 xx

Requested by: ultimateanonymus
Plot: The reader is a childhood friend of Jon Snow,who has visited his hometown and reunited with her after many years.However,things take a different turn when Ramsay Snow takes over Winterfell.
Warning: Smut,Mild rape,cussing(?)
Note:I wrote this in third-person's view because I think it came out better and it was much more descriptive this way,but if you prefer the first-person view,let me know in the comments.ALSO H/C means hair color😂❤

Y/N jogged impatiently through the hallways of Winterfell.Her mind was blurry and the only thing she could think of was that Jon was right outside the castle.Her heart raced in her chest,almost ripping it out before she finally set foot on the mud outside the exit.
She could see many men of the Night's Watch,but she couldn't distinguish her childhood friend among all of them.Hoping he wouldn't have changed much in all those years they hadn't seen each other,she placed her arms around her chest,hugging her waist to keep herself warm.Her eyes wondered around the small town and people.So occupied she was with her thoughts,she had forgotten all the anxiety and impatiency dominating her lungs just a few moments ago,she didn't notice the tall man standing behind her.
"Hey" he said softly placing his hand on her shoulder.Reluctantly,she turned her body to the man's direction only to see her childhood friend slightly smiling at her.Without reconsideration,she embraced him in a tight hug,stepping on her tiptoes to reach him.He was so tall.
"I missed you" she whispered,her eyes closed and her lips forming a smile,hidden to anyone else by Jon's cloak.
"I missed you too".He pulled away,giving Y/N the opportunity to scrutinize every single part of his face.His black,curly hair had never been so long and were tied in a man bun.The shape of his face had changed drastically,sculpting a much more delicate jawline and lips.She couldn't disagree that he had grown to be a handsome man.
"You've changed so much." Y/N broke the awkward silence.
"So have you" he told her,his lips still forming a charming and innocent smile.
They wondered around Winterfell for hours,talking about all the things they hadn't told each other all those years-must've been more than 6.Their laughing echoed throughout the castle.
Y/N stared at the sunset in front of them as they sat on top of a short hill.
"I should go."She rose and took off all the mud and grass of her dress with her hands.Jon followed.
"I'll see you around,then?"
Her cheeks blushed to a color so red,she stared at the ground while she answered in order to avoid him noticing.
"Of course."Once she felt the blushing going away she looked at his black eyes and grinned.She then,started going back to her room,not taking that darn smile off her face for a single second.At that moment,she could tell that her feelings for Jon Snow were far from friendly.
Laying back on her back on her bed,she thought of how she felt and wondered why it took her so long to realize that she was in love with Ned Stark's bastard.
Ramsay and his men have taken over Winterfell.Jon,being the only Stark in Winterfell,disagreed to give his father's house to the Boltons.It was taking time,but after many negotiations and threats,Jon's tolerance was slowly wearing off.Ramsay was sure,Winterfell was about to become his at last.
Despite all these,Y/N and Jon never stopped seeing each other.They hadn't admitted that they loved each other yet,however,Y/N was always on his side,supporting him on whatever he needed.
She was standing right in front of her mirror,untangling her H/C with her fingers.She thought of all the things that were happening.She was worried about the well-being of Winterfell's people.Ramsay was a mad man,and he was infamous for that.After all,everybody's life were being put at stake with the Boltons,lords of Winterfell,and everybody knew.
She heard a loud knock on her wooden door.Straightening her posture,she headed to the door.A black-haired man with ice-blue eyes stood in front of her,alone.
"Lord Bolton" she bowed slightly."What can I do for you?" she added.
Ramsay didn't answer but entered her room instead.His presence made Y/N's blood freezing,even though she never showed it."Close the door" he commanded,and so she did.
He walked around her room,his steps heavy and intimidating."I heard you are a..." he stopped for a moment before he tilted his head to her direction."Close friend of Jon Snow."he added.
She didn't know how or what to answer.She didn't know if anything she told him,true or not,was going to be a threat for Jon,and her.
"I-" she stuttered."He is lord of Winterfell,I could never-".He turned around intimidatingly fast and glared at her in a way no one ever had."I think you have mistaken how things work here." He got close to her.So close she could feel his breath touching the bridge of her nose.
"Jon Snow is not the lord of Winterfell.Not anymore." he said. "Understood?"
She galped before nodding.His finger touched her chin,lifting her face up,sending shivers to her spine. "How,you are a handsome girl aren't you?" he stared at her lips before placing his hand on her thigh.She was sweating and trying to escape his strong hands without causing him anger,but with no success.His finger lifted the fabric of her dress. "Lord Bolton-" she wept. "Please." Smirking,he turned her around placing the upper half of her body lying on her bed and she cried silently,because that was the only thing she could do. He ripped the fabric covering her back and caressed the soft skin on her waist and then her shoulders."Please" she wept again.
A loud noise came from the exit of the room,and before she knew,Ramsay was off of her,lying on the ground,Jon on top,punching his face so hard his face turned red from all the blood coming out.She sat on the cold ground,tears rushing down her cheeks.
Jon massaged Y/N's back with a cloth,washing off the feeling Ramsay had left on her.Her eyes didn't wonder all over the room this time.She stared out of the window,her hearing blocking everything else.She begun to recall what had happened moments ago,crying and covering her face with her wet hands.Jon immediately placed the cloth nearby and embraced her tightly. "It's okay,it's okay"he whispered to her and kissed her forehead as her tears seeped into his shirt.
He wrapped a warm towel (oh gosh TOWELS HADN'T BEEN INVENTED WTF AM I SAYING.I'm just going to let this one sink in😭) around her body.She guided her to her bed,where she sat and placed her elbows on her knees,burying her face in her palms.He sat next to her,hugging her and whispering to her.
After many moments of silence,she spoke."Thank you" she whispered and looked at him in the eyes.He knew it wasn't the right time,he knew that she was vulnerable and afraid but he couldn't control himself.His heart sank as his lips collided with hers.She closed her eyes and kissed him back,letting all the pain go and focusing on the kiss.His tongue fought for entrance,and once he was in,he explored every part of her mouth.She laid on her back,him on top.He trailed kisses down her neck and unconsciously begun grinding his bulge on her naked abdomen.Moaning,she buried her hands inside his black curls before he removed his shirt and pants.He placed his hand on her waist before thrusting in her.Y/N started to moan loudly as her walls clenched around him.Her nails scratched his back,his grunts becoming louder and louder.Surprisingly,she turned him around,her being on top,and started rocking her core on him,their hips grinding rhythmically as he thrusted in her. "Jon" she moaned,falling down to his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck as he continued to shove his member inside her and grabbing her butt cheeks.She felt her release approaching.They screamed each other names so loudly the whole castle could hear.But at that moment,it didn't matter.Nothing did.

To be completely honest,I think this is the best chapter I've written in like-a long time!I've devoted some of my time practicing on my writing and I hope it is effective.Thank you for all your feedback and support!

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