Viserys Targaryen (Imagine)

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requested by: ChrolloLucilifer (make sure to check out her page!)

I take a sip of wine as I watch some men getting slaughtered.What a great day,I think to myself.It's not that it frightens me or something,I have seen men swinging their swords and taking their guts out hundreds of times.So many it's gotten boring.
I bite some of my bread that has been given to me and I glance at the last living Targaryens.Daenerys' silver white hair shine bright on the sun's light and her blue lustful eyes give away the feeling of awkwardness and disgust as she watches the slaughter.I take a quick look at Viserys,he has the same white hair and blue eyes as his sister and a long,lean face.His lips have formed a slight smirk as one of the two men falls on the ground screaming,yet I can't understand why would someone enjoy watching another man die.Before I can notice,I'm staring at the handsome Targaryen boy far more than I intended to.He doesn't seem to notice until after a long time,though.When his blue eyes meet mine,I can't help but blush,hoping he won't notice.He smiles but I nervously look away.
After a few minutes I decide I've gotten tired of the sight of men fighting and go for a walk.
Being skeptical about what happened earlier,I lightly touch the edges of my glass,looking on the ground while walking.I am deeply lost into my thoughts until I collide with someone and my glass full of wine falls on the ground,shattering into pieces.
"Oh my God,I'm so sorry-"I look on my glass before I can look at the person I've just collided with."Gods"I think as I see his face.
Viserys looks on his shirt which has been stained with wine as he shouts "Are you out of-"he tilts his head up to see my face,which includes a clenched jaw out of embarrassment,and his frowned face changes into a surprised one.
"I didn't mean to-"I try to apologize
"It's alright."he hasn't took his eyes off mine. "I'm Viserys,by the way" he takes off his hand for me to shake it.
"(Y/N)"I softly say and shake his hand.
"I'm glad to meet you,(Y/N)"he smiles.
"It's my honor,my lord" I say and bow.
"Don't do that" he chuckles.I look at him,slightly confused as I stand up."Where are you heading to?"he asks.
"I-I was just taking a walk.All this noise was starting to bother me."I say,afraid incase I might have insulted him.
"For a walk we go then." He smiles and motions me to head towards somewhere quieter,probably.
"So,your House?"he asks,with his hands behind his back while walking.
"I'm from House (H/N)" I answer nobly.
"I should address you as Lady,then."I chuckle."There is no need to."
Hours pass by and both of us seem to get more and more comfortable with each other.
"I should return to the ceremony."he hesitantly says.
"Alright." I have to say,I'm frustrated that he is to leave.
He takes my hands and places his lips on the back of my palm.
"Until we meet again."he smirks.

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