Robb & Jon x Reader

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Requested by vengeances

I wake up by the sunlight seething into my large room.I can tell it's quite early,so I decide to cuddle with my warm bed sheets,covering my eyes with my palms,stopping the light from touching my pupils.

"Y/N" I hear a voice softly saying and feel a hand stroking my back as I groan in frustration because of my sleep being interrupted,once again. "You need to wake up.Breakfast is being served."my handmaiden whispers in my right ear.
"What?How?"I ask her with a sleepy voice as I rub my eyes.
"You overslept,my lady.I have prepared your outfit for you,it is on the table.I'll leave you to get dressed." she starts exiting the room when her body takes a quick turn. "Oh,I totally forgot.Your father told me to inform you about the celebration this evening.He said that you should dress as well as you can."

"Great." I say,pretending to be excited.She opens the wooden door and before she leaves the room she pauses again."Don't be late." she highlights and finally leaves the room.I quickly get up from the bed and approach the table, next to the open window.There I see one of my favorite dresses,a light green with yellow details.I dress into it,leaving my night gown fall on the cold floor.Approaching my hairdresser,I start looking my self on the mirror and realize I look like a mess.So I begin untagling my hair with my fingers."There's no time for that." I think and put my shoes on,before I walk out of the room and start walking though the empty halls of the castle.Silence dominated the halls. Probably because everyone was on the main hall,having breakfast.

It then struck me out of the blue that I was about to see Robb.I started panicking.I mean,many things had happened between us.We'd have walks all the time around the castle,and he's been so nice to m since I have gotten here.Maybe it is simply in terms of kindness.I wanted to analyze the matter more,but I permitted myself from doing so when I entered the main hall.

"Good morning" I say in a loud tone,loud enough for everyone to hear me,and silent enough not to seem rude.I scan the place to find an empty chair when I see Robb sitting on the right side of the long table,nodding me to go sit next to him.

"Slept well?" he asks,smiling at me as I sit on the uncomfortable chair.

"Overslept actually.So I guess,I did." I grin shyly and he hisses.Honestly,even meaningless conversations with him seem pleasing.So we continue talking,laughing at our stupid jokes when something catches my attention.

Jon is sitting on the other side of the table,slightly touching his beans with his fork,glaring at his Robb.I try to understand why.These two would never get in a fight with each other.It crossed my mind that he might be jealous,when he glanced at me.But it seemed impossible to me.
"Hey,Y/N?" Robb asks,interrupting my thoughts."Are you alright?"

"I'm great.I'm just,a little tired."
"I guess you needed one more day of sleeping" he smiles and a laugh escapes my lips.
"Yeah,maybe" I stare at the floor while we keep on walking.
"May I-" he pauses for a second."May I ask you something?"
"Of course."I reply.
"I think you know about the celebration tonight.About your arrival.You'll be there,right?"
"Definitely." I reply,my cheeks becoming red."But I,uh,I think I need to return back to my room.My mother will be looking for me."
"Of course.I'll see you tonight." He smiles,his eyes full of hope and happiness.
"I'll see you tonight" I repeat and I smile back and start heading back to my room.
When I approach my room door,I see a figure standing next to it.And I'm sure it isn't a guard.
"Good morning" a pale,curly-haired boy smiles.
"Oh,good morning" I frown.
"I'm sorry if I frightened you.I just wanted to introduce myself.I'm Jon Snow."
"I know." I smile."I'm Y/N"
"So,Y/N,are you enjoying your stay at Winterfell?"
"Yes,it's pretty amazing.A lot more different that King's Landing,and a lot more colder" he laughs and I grin.
"Well,it was nice to talk to you.I'll see you tonight." He smiles and heads to the main hall.

A few hours later
I look myself and like what I see.K wear my blue dress,my hair pulled back in a braid.
"I think I'm ready." I say to my handmaiden.
"You look stunning,my lady." a smile is shaped in her lips
"Thank you." I tell her and leave the room.I approach the main hall,where the celebration is being held.I see my family from far away and I walk to their table,next to the Starks.I see Robb and I immediately feel myself getting pale.
He leaves his table and approaches me."So,you made it." he says happily with a serious face at the same time.
"I did." I reply.
We begin talking about typical things,like if I like the celebration,trying to break the ice.And he succeeds,as after a few minutes we are feeling comfortable enough around each other to laugh and discuss about other things.
"Robb,can I talk to you?"Jon appears out of nowhere and grabs him by his arm with a furious look in his eyes.
"Sure" Robb hesitantly replies.
I watch both of them as the leave the crowd celebrating and approach the hall.I go back to the table with my parents,where we enjoy our food and talk just for a few minutes before Catelyn Stark approaches me.
"Are you enjoying the celebration Y/N?"
"Yes,it's pretty amazing."I smile at her
"I'm glad.I wanted to ask you if you've seen Robb."
"We actually talked a few minutes ago." I frown.Why would she look for him and be so upset?
"I see" she says calmly."If you happen to see him,would you be kind enough to tell him that we need to talk?"
"Of course,my lady."
"Thank you" she smiles back and goes back to her table.I sit up and walk to the hallway to inform Robb about his mother looking for him,but I stop when I hear an intense conversation and shouting.
"Please don't act like a child,Jon" Robb says calmly
"I'll act however I want!You can't be so arrogant and selfish!"
"I think you've drunk a little too much wine,Jon.I'll see you tomorrow." He says and footsteps are echoing throughout the halls.
"Come back!"Jon shouts,but doesn't follow him.I bump into Robb,as I make my way out.
"Oh Robb um your mother is-" my words are interrupted by his lips touching mine.I am surprised,but I do not pull away.A laugh escapes our lips and our his eyes stare into mine before he kisses me again.

Pf,wow.This was a little late and I think it is the worst chapter I've written in this book(I'm super sleepy) but I still hope you like it.💕
PS.Also excuse me for any typos or grammar mistakes,I'll check back in the morning,I just didn't want you guys to wait.Goodnight💕

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