He nearly jumped when his uncle Peter sat down across from him

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He nearly jumped when his uncle Peter sat down across from him. "Why does she eat alone?" Peter asked, the older teenager looking at the girl.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asked ignoring Peter's question. He didn't want his uncle meddling in his relationship.

He shrugged. "I'm looking out for my favorite nephew, making sure no one has a crossbow aimed at your throat." He said giving him a pointed look.

"I could get you banned from school grounds. You know that, right?" Derek said as he sipped from his straw, raising an eyebrow challengingly.

Peter smirked. "No one would ban me from anywhere. I'm too good-looking." He retorted before looking over at Mia who was studying. "Doesn't she have any friends?"

"A few, but she likes to study during lunch." He muttered. "And I kind of just don't think she likes my friends." Derek huffed getting annoyed with his uncles questions about his girlfriend.

Peter scoffed. "No one should like your friends. They're a bunch of hormonal half-wits." He nodded over at her. "But that one over there she's perfect for you. And perfect combinations are rare in an imperfect world." He said as he ate the reese's pieces. Derek sighed as he began to stand and was about to leave until Peter spoke up. "It would worry me too, though. I'd probably be thinking about it all the time." He said in mocking tone.

"Thinking about what?" Derek asked glancing at Mia but she was focused on her studying.

"Her finding out. You've thought that through, right?" Peter paused for Derek to catch on. "You know it always happens. One minute, you're in this blissful teen romance, and next, she sees fangs, glowing eyes, claws."

"She doesn't have to find out." Derek snapped quietly, he was doing well on his part at keeping what he is a secret. He didn't want her to see him as a monster and was afraid he'd lose her if she were to ever find out.

He didn't remember that there had been moments when he did in fact slip up.

Unfazed by his nephews tone, Peter continued. "But they always do- Especially when they're perfect for you. There's really only one way to make sure you'll always be together." Derek waited for his uncle to finish. "Turn her." Peter said bluntly giving Derek a serious look.

Derek looked over at Mia who happened to look up in that moment. She gave him a soft smile that tugged at his heartstring, she was unaware of the conversation that the two Hales just had concerning her future.




Mia walked into her house after getting home from work only to be surprised by someone hugging her. She looked down to see Scott smiling up at her. "Hey Scott." She smiled down at him. "Not that I don't love the hug but uh why are you hugging me?"

Meant to Be (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now