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n. The fine light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early night; night serenity.

The light rain that slowly fell from the the empty sky. Fell down sprinkling my face with clear freckles of water droplets. Breathing in the smell of the warm earth and rain tickled my nose. It brought me back to the warmth of my mother hugs. The melody of the rain hitting tin roofs, and roads mimicked the soothing hums of my mother's voice. It's been years since I have last heard or seen her. Life has pushed us apart.

The familiar sense of safety and support of my mother was what pushed me to become the person I was today. A sucessful but lonely person, someone without friends and close relationships because of work. Working hard just to go home to an empty home filled with white and gray walls, earning money without someone to share with it. Any one could fill the loneliness in my heart. But I was wishing for the warmth of my mother that lived worlds apart. I yearned to be treated as a child again. To be tucked in with a kiss to the forehead and to be pampered with tickles and the sound of giggles that rung throughout the house.

I wanted to grow up too fast, only to wish my childhood days back. I wanted to buy a house of my own , only to miss the ugly yellow walls of my childhood bedroom. I wanted to hurry and make money to buy all the things I ever wanted, only to wish there was someone to show me the limits to keep somethings on the wishlist, there wasnt any point of wanting any more. I had everything i ever needed/ wanted but no one to share it with . It was lonely, painfully lonely.

A honk of a horn was what brought me out of my thoughts to the bustling streets of the city. Cars speed past carrying stories of their own, and the clattering of various sounds and people slowly blocked out the beautiful sound of rain. I placed the thought of my mother in coroner of my brain to to look at during another raining day.

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