"I'm sorry I came here," he said.  "I didn't know where else to go."

"I'm glad you came.  Hold on to me and I'll help you in."

When Spot was settled in the tub, he leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

"The water's scalding," he said.

"We have a heater in the cellar," said Mina.  "Is it too warm?"

"Naw, I like hot baths," Spot whispered.  "A porcelain tub with boiling water."

She lathered his hair in soap and started to gently work out the dried bits of blood and dirt fom this hair. 

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me," said Spot.

"But if feels good doesn't it?"

Spot didn't respond, but from his smile and content moans, she knew he didn't mind all that much.  The tension lines in his brow softened and his clenched jaw relaxed.  A couple tears rolled down his cheeks, but Mina didn't say anything. They stayed in silence with only the sound of lapping water.

"I'll finish up," said Spot.  "I can make it back myself."

"You won't fall?" asked Mina.

"I'll be fine," said Spot.  He seemed determined to do it by himself.

"Alright," said Mina.  "But don't fall and wake the entire house.  I'm not sure how I could explain away a...nude boy."

Spot chuckled, "I wouldn't want to meet your father like that, that's for sure."

Mina left a couple towels where he could reach them before leaving and closing the door behind her.  The house was still quiet and asleep.  She slipped into her brother's room grabbed some clothes for Spot before returning to her room.  She sat at the window nervously waiting for him to come back.  When he did, he had his towel wrapped around his waist and his wet clothes bundled in a towel under his arm.

"Get dressed," said Mina handing him the clothes.  "I"ll be back."

She hurried to the bathroom and dried the tub and sink.  When she returned to her room, she locked the door behind her.  Spot had lit the lamp that was sitting on her night stand and was sitting on her bed in the glow of the light.  His stared at the ground, his mind focused on nothing.

"I cleaned the bathroom," said Mina sitting down next to him.  "No one will ever know you've been here."

The water droplets from his hair left dark black stains on the light blue night shirt.  His face did not look as bad now that it was clean.  The cut near his scalp was small and the bruises on his face were just bruises; the bones in his face seemed to be intact underneath the swelling.  His nose was definitely broken and swollen, but it would heal straight.  His lips had stopped bleeding.

"Can I stay?" he asked not looking at her.  "Please."

Mina smiled, "Of course you can.  I wouldn't let you leave like this.  Lay down."

Spot pulled back the covers and slipped under them and Mina joined him.  He propped himself up with some pillows and looked up at the ceiling agin without really looking at anything.  Mina lay apart from him but he gripped her hand tightly to his chest.

"Giggles we should talk," Spot said licking his lips.

"About what?" asked Mina turning to look at him.

"About everything."

"Everything?" giggled Mina.  "That'll take longer than a night."

"Then we'll need to to fit in everything we can."

You are the Key--A Newsies (Spot Conlon) Fan Fiction #2Where stories live. Discover now