|Chapter 3|

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Karkat grumbles as he scuttles along, leaving the throne room with a frown, "How do I get myself in these fucking situation? I should be writing symphonies, not tagging along after some nook-brained, headstrong juvenile mertroll!" He rolls his eyes, stopping in his tracks as he spots Cronus and Tavros sneaking off elsewhere.

"Hm...? What is that boy up to?" He mumbles to himself, quickly scuttling after the duo and raisig an eyebrow. He follows them through coral and winding passageways in the reef, eventually spotting them enter a cave.

"Huh...?" He questions as he quickly scuttles inside, staying hidden as he watches Tavros and Cronus talk. "U-Uh...Cronus? Are you okay?"

"If only I could make him understand...I just don't see things the vway he does!" Cronus sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I don't see howv a vworld that makes such vwonderful things could be...bad..."

He takes a deep breath and begins to hum softly, eventually starting to sing. "Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Vwouldn't you think my collection's complete? Vwouldn't you think I'm the troll...the troll vwho has evwerythin'?"

He swims amongst his collection, consisting of many human treasures he had collected over previous years. "Look at this trove, treasures untold. Howv many vwonders can one cavwern hold?"

Tavros smiles and swims beside him, looking at all of the strange items. "Lookin' around here, you'd think; shore, he's got evwerythin'! I'vwe got gadgets and gizmos aplenty, I'vwe got vwhozits and vwhatzits galore! You vwant thingamabobs? I'vwe got twenty!"

HIs smile fades as he soon swims around, gazing at all of his trinkets and treasures. "But vwho cares...? No big deal...I vwant more..." He sings out, looking up at the sun shining through the water above the trove.

Karkat grows confused by his statement, soon becoming shocked as he hears the next line being sun, "I vwanna be vwhere the people are. I vwanna see, vwanna see 'em dancin', vwalkin' around on those...vwhat do ya call 'em? Oh, right, feet" Cronus laughs, playing with Tavros' fins which causes for the fish to giggle

"Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far. Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'! Strollin' along dowvn a...vwhat's that vword again? Street~!" Cronus smiles, his tail swishing as he begins swimming higher and higher up.

"Up vwhere they vwalk, up vwhere they run, up vwhere they stay all day in the sun vwanderin' free...! Vwish I could be part of that vworld...~"

Cronus sighs happily as he floats down a bit, picking up a small musical box. "Vwhat vwould I give? If I could livwe outta these vwaters? Vwhat vwould I pay to spend a day vwarm on the sand?"

He chuckles as he places the box back down, smiling as he continues his beautiful, almost entrancing singing, "I bet ya, on land, they understand! Bet they don't reprimand their sons, bright young men, sick of svwimmin'~"

He closes his eyes as he slows his swimming, focusing on singing his heart out, "Ready to stand, and ready to knowv vwhat the people knowv! Ask 'em my questions, and get some answvers, like, vwhat's a fire and vwhy does it...vwhat's the vword...? Burn~! Vwhen's it my turn?"

"Vwouldn't I love, love to explore the shore above...?" He says, his voice now quietening down as he looks back up at the sun. "Out of the sea...vwish I...could be...part of that...vworld...~"

He holds the last note and smiles, Tavros about to clap when there's a sudden loud crashing noise behind them. Cronus whirls and spots Karkat now stuck in a pot, groaning as he tries to get out.

"Karkat!?" The mertroll's eyes widen at the sight of the crustacean, shocked that he had followed him and Tavros here. "Cronus, are you out of your incompetent mind!? How could you!? What even IS all of this bullfuckery!?"

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