Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Sunny Taylor

I crossed my fingers behind my back as I waited for Angie's response. I had decided to apply for the job at Lucy's, but I wasn't going to do it without asking Angie first. She bit her lip, thinking over the setbacks and risks that could be caused by this spontaneous decision.

"Only if you promise to keep your identity a secret, and to keep that cat out of my bedroom at night because we werewolves do not get along well with cats, and that one is not a fan of me," She said, lifting her arm up and showing me a scratch.

I winced and picked up Mittens, apologizing, "I am so sorry, Angie. I will keep Mittens out of your room at night, I promise. And I need to get the application today. Maybe you could help me fill it out since we don't have our backstory down."

"Your backstory. You need to remember that I have a very important reputation to uphold because my dream job depends on it. And of course I will help you out, love." She said with a smile, and I grinned, putting on my cardigan because I was ready to go. I had worn the skirt I bought at the store, which gave me more comfort that I wouldn't keel over while reading because I was suffering from heat exhaustion.

Pairing it with a plain t-shirt and a cardigan, I was comfortable, and felt a bit of a connection to my old self. My brown hair was in a ponytail, and it was wavy instead of curly because Angie insisted that my curls were 'a signature style' and too recognizable. It only took her a month to figure it out.

Yes, it had already been a month. I was so shocked, because I had felt as if I had only been there a week. Angie had made me feel so welcomed, and Molly and Finn had hung out with me almost every week day.

But still, I felt paranoid, fear running through me as I rounded a corner with no one else in the area. As I went to sleep in the dark with the curtains open. I was afraid for Blake and the rest of my friends, none of which had returned my calls.

Nonetheless, I tried my hardest not to let it affect my daily life. During the day, I did the best I could manage to keep these things off my thoughts, though I continued to do research on werewolves, and many things reminded me of my friends. But it was my dreams when I really thought about everything.

I dreamt of many things, well more I had nightmares. Of Ross, who was in almost all of them. I tried to be strong, to shake off what had happened. But you just couldn't ignore such a scarring thing. Every night I would wake up crying at least once, having had a nightmare of him.

And of the wolves. Those followed me in my dreams so incessantly. I dreamt of my friends morphing into monstrous wolves, ready to attack. It was a vice I would have to life with for the rest of my life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Angie tossed me a packet of tea and said, "Come on, we need to go early if I am going to help you fill out this bloody application. I really hate applications, and that's when I know all the information."

I chuckled as I picked up my cup of hot water and put in the bag, simultaneously putting my leather purse over my shoulder and walking out the door. I had begun to perfect the balancing act.

I hopped in the car, and casually stirred my tea as Angie pulled out of the ever familiar neighborhood, trying to get on the freeway before it became too congested with the heavy traffic flow of family members traveling for the holidays.

I took a sip of tea, and enjoyed the comfortable silence. Once we got there, Angie kept having to chastise me for telling her to hurry up, saying that it was, "Annoying and childish."

Of course it was, I was excited and that was how I acted when I got excited. I walked into the shop and walked right up to the counter, asking the regular sales girl for an application. I smiled spread across her face and I knew she shared my excitement in me applying, because we had many conversations in the past weeks.

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