{ 12- fathomable }

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hermionegranger has joined the chatroom.

griff has joined the chatroom.

griff: oh, sup herms

hermionegranger: Hello, Harry, nothing much is up but I wanted to congratulate you on the total of students who signed up for the H.A. today. I think it was a success.

griff: 😅ty

griff: thanks to you and ron and hiss, i wouldn't have come up with that idea though

griff: to, you know, start a hogwarts army schoolwide

hermionegranger: Assuming from your sense of familiarity with the name 'hiss', they are the mysterious messenger you've talked about?

griff: 🌞🌞🌞

griff: yep

hermionegranger: Intriguing. Anyways, what are you doing right now, Harry? I was thinking we should meet up with the headmaster and strategize a more effective plan.

griff: ah, sure. where dyou think?

hermionegranger: Taking into consideration that it's already eight p.m., how about we wait until morning to confront her? At the great hall during breakfast, perhaps.

griff: sounds a-okay to me, finna be there.

hermionegranger: Although I have conducted research on topical slang terms, sometimes I have no idea what Ron and you are saying...

griff: 😂😂thank hiss for that

hermionegranger: Of course. By the way, since I brought it up earlier, have you discerned anything more about this person?

griff: oh, yeah, about that

griff: we met up yesterday

hermionegranger: ...and?

griff: it turned out to be draco malfoy.

hermionegranger: Hmm. Interesting.

griff: what??? that was a joke herms

griff: no way would it ever be him, it was just the first name i thought of that would shock you the most🤐

hermionegranger: Well, he did sign up for the H.A. I saw his name when totaling all the signatures, so that didn't surprise me much.

griff: r u serious right now

hermionegranger: Why would I be joking?

griff: gahh

hermionegranger: If I could offer you a piece of advice, don't judge a book by it's cover.

griff: i wouldnt really apply that to my former archnemesis😬 he's not the best person in the world

hermionegranger: I don't believe that he is the best, but my point remains. Everyone thinks of you as the chosen one, allmighty, yet you aren't really.

griff: i suppose that's valid

griff: but to actually answer your question: no, i didnt find anything out

hermionegranger: Oh.Well, I must go study for the exams now. Good night.

hermionegranger has left the chatroom.

griff: exams aren't until... ugh, whatever😐

griff has left the chatroom.

~ ~ ~

A/N: Just in case it wasn't clear (sometimes I can't tell), Harry was completely joking and did not meet Malfoy canon.

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