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Rika: You'll love her! She's so nice and super smart and really pretty!

That was the first message she saw within the messenger. MC felt flattered but a tinge annoyed. Those things were almost hardly true. But, she felt less uncomfortable since someone she knew was there. Well, she knew the RFA, the RFA didn't know her.

Rika: Come on! Say something! Don't be shy now

She's known Rika since her first day of her junior year. She transferred from public to private school due to her parents divorce. That meant goodbye Tokyo and hello Seoul. Luckily, she was born bilingual; both Korean and Japanese, so only the uniforms surprised her. Well, so did the hall monitors.

- flashback -

MC's slow eyes studied up and down her new locker. The hallways echoed back her small shoe squeaks, letting her tired sighs fill the halls. Her fingers curled around the cold, professionally painted locker door. She didn't know what she was looking for exactly, there was nothing in the rather spacious container. She knew she would never use it, she concluded her book bag would be handy enough. Her nose inhaled the cold, clean, and sharp air. She let her lungs fill slowly, and release back slowly. Her schedule said she should be in second period IV French, but her legs said to stand in front of her locker. Her lungs filled again, then released.

The sounds of several feet were what broke her concentration on the peeling paint of the inside walls. The brunettes head leaned back some, clutching at the door to barely glance over the side of the locker. Her fingers slowly tapped against her door.

She saw a small girl, probably six inches less than herself. She exerted a positive, bubbly, and bright personality. Even when standing in place, she bounced slightly up and down, letting her plaid skirt follow along. Her lengthy golden hair, emerald eyes, and wide smile perceived her as the most friendly person in the world. In one hand she held a clipboard and in the other, was another hand.

The hand belonged to a slender boy, who had probably six inches on her. He provided a tranquil, pleasant, and wise personality. His uniform was slightly messy, giving off a playful vibe. His small smile at the blonde, his crystal eyes, and light blue hair held him at the most trustworthy person in the world. In one hand, he held hers, and the other, held yet another clipboard.

The third boy, having a few inches on the other boy, was standing with the couple. He gave a stern, mature, and serious aurora. The smile upon his lips for the couple and his crossed arms made him kind. His groomed jet black hair, grey eyes, and well kept uniform placed him as the purest of the three. In one hand held a pen, in the other, another clipboard.

Maybe they just saw her, or her tapping became to loud, or it was because she was staring. But before she could duck behind her locker door, there was a holler down the hallway.


MC's reflexes disobeyed her, as she just stood dumbstruck behind her locker door. It didn't take all of four seconds for the blonde to come sprinting down the stretched hall.

"You!" Her chest heaved as she held up a finger for MC to pause. I mean, not that she was already frozen. The blonde's hands gripped at her board.
"You should be in class! Why are you skipping?"

MC's hazel eyes shook awake, mostly from the foreign language, glancing to the clock that was planted on the wall.
"Oh. I guess I am"
She hastily murmured back in Korean as a response. The girl in front of her turned her head in confusion. MC then remembered where she was, and translated.
"Sorry, I just transferred this morning, unless that's not a valid answer"

The two boys joined the questioning blonde. Her confusion turned into a wide smile. Her hand jabbed out for MC to shake.

"It's a perfect answer. I'm Rika"
The other two took their time to inspect the rather confused girl.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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