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Ryan was hurt. He was alone. He was many things. The majority of them being bad, he had a good heart. He just couldn't seem to find the right person to share it with. Well, he knew one person. But for all he knew, he had no chance. See, that person was Jake.

Jake, a tall, fit, and tan blonde that sits in front of him in every class period except for one, which was athletics. Which, Ryan didn't take athletics because he's more of the type of guy to sit alone at all times reading fan fiction about his favorite bands.

Nobody knew who Ryan was. They knew of him. Just not anything about him. They didn't know he had never had a best friend in the entire sixteen years of his life. They didn't know he had read over ten thousand fan fictions. They didn't know he made bad grades, which would surprise many because he seems like the type of person that only cares about school. They didn't know he was gay.

Now, in this generation, being gay is no big deal. Except for when your father is the priest in a catholic church and your mother works as a phycologists and they're both entirely homophobic. Now that's when things get tricky.

His parents never ask why Ryan never brings home girls, or asks to go hang out with one. They would regret asking because they wouldn't be prepared to cut off they're only child for being homosexual.

Not only his parents, but the entire school would turn their backs on him, not that they even know he exists. That would be just the reason for Ryan to be the number one bullied kid in the entire town.

The town Ryan lived in was called Sunnyville, Wisconsin. The town pretty much ran off of the church. Everyone was either christian or catholic and if you were gay or atheist then you were the talk of the town for as long as you lived there, especially amongst the elderly.

Ryan hated Sunnyville. He couldn't wait to graduate, hopefully, and move far away. Unfortunately, his grades probably wouldn't get him a scholarship, however his parents did have funds put back for him to go to college. Ryan, though, didn't have a clue about what he wanted to be. For now, all he could do is wait, and stare at the shaggy blonde boy in font of him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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