Boy-ish Feelings

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Riley Matthews made me feel things that I never thought I'd feel, ever. The more I got to know her, the more intrigued I was. She made my live worth living everyday and night.


Zay looked down right exhausted. He had been watching movies all night and barely kept his eyes open during school. We were at Topanga's. Zay was sleeping on top of the table in the back and Farkle was doing homework, which was what I was supposed to be doing, but I wasn't in the mood to do the same unneeded work from school that most of our teachers fail to teach us. History was basically the only class I looked forward to everyday.

I was on my phone waiting for Riley. Her and Maya had to go change their cloths because of an "accident" that happened in chemistry earlier. Lets just say, our chemistry teacher will no longer be letting Wonky Wally handle any more chemicals.

"Hey guys." Riley's soft voice spoke as she walked through the door with Maya. She was wearing black high waisted, fitted pants, with a sexy top with slits on the sides, which gave just a peek of the sides of her stomach, along with a long necklace thingy. She looked sexy, but still classy. Made her even sexier.

"Hey. You look really nice." I said. I was trying my best to not sound like a hormonal teenage boy. "Thank You." She responded, nodding her head. "Ready to go?" I asked.

We were heading to the Movies. Riley and I have been together for 2 months at this point. I'm having the best time.

"Yeah. Lets go." She said stretching her arm towards me, signaling for me to hold her hand. I gently grabbed her hand and we walked out after saying bye to everyone.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked. I assumed she would want to watch a chick-flick.

"I want to watch the bloodiest action movie out right now."

She said.

Well Damn.

My mouth dropped. I knew Riley was full of surprises, but I didn't know she was about that dark shit. "Really?!" I asked. "Yeah. I know I sound like a creep, but I really enjoy those types of movies. I don't know if it has anything to do with me growing up with so many boys, but I find bloody movies thrilling and  comforting." Riley said. I didn't know what to say in response.

"You know what Princess, I don't judge." I said, then kissed her head, and took her hand and guided her up the stairs from the bakery. She laughed as we walked up.

My sister was the only other female I knew that loved bloody movies and films. She hated chick-flicks. When we were younger, she had this weird phase where she was obsessed with death and would always watch the scariest shit on the internet. Riley reminded me of her in those few minutes.

I had insisted on us having one of my parent's drivers take us, but she said she just wanted a nice simple date, which is pretty amazing if you ask me, considering there would be girls begging to have an over-the-top date. Seen it a whole lot when Mikey went on dates.


We got to the movie theater at around 9. We were suppose to be there by 7, but we stopped by the arcade and got caught up competing against each other. She won most of the rounds, but I won the last few games. I'm pretty sure she let me win though, which is both disgraceful and embarrassing for me. We just decided to catch the 9:30 screening instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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