The Death of an Old Man

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Kenma was watching some korean drama when she heard her phone vibrate, it was Lev sending messages she tried to ignore it but he kept sending nonstop.

Lev Haiba: KENMA!!!!!

Lev Haiba: KENMA-SaaANNNnmNN!!!!111






Kenma-san: what do you want your fucking little shit

Lev Haiba: i will ignore the insult

Lev Haiba: mama just sent me a message

Lev Haiba: guess who tried to kill himself

Kenma-san: if it wasnt me

Kenma-san: oikawa???

Lev Haiba: nope

Lev Haiba: kuroo-san

Kenma-san: since when do you know kuroo?

Lev Haiba: since forever duhh

Lev Haiba: youre the one who doesnt pay attention to what i say

Lev Haiba: i would never have guessed that you would go out with him

Kenma-san: it was a one time thing, it wont happen again

Lev Haiba: yeah ok

Lev Haiba: but dont you wanna know why he tried to kill himself????? its super important information

Kenma-san: it was because of his dad wish, he told me the story when we went out

Lev Haiba: oh well youre fucking wrong 

Lev Haiba: it was because of you

Kenma-san: ...

Kenma-san: did it work?

Lev Haiba: nah, his boss keep him in check everyday so when he went to his daily visit he called the ambulance and they came in time

Lev Haiba: mama is in charge of him

Kenma-san: whats his room number?

Lev Haiba: floor 12, room 184


Kenma-san: shut the fuck up lev

Kenma-san: thank you

When she arrived to his room, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, Kuroo was crying with his face buried in his pillow, you could hear him sobbing really loud, it was like a child's cry.

"Kuroo?" she called out to him, when he turned his head to look at her, his eyes were really red, tears were rolling down his face and his nose dripping really hard, it really was a child's cry.


"Tell me about it." Kenma said while she sat at his bed, unsure if this was the right thing to do.

"There was an old man who was cursed with eternal life by a shinigami, after the death of his wife, he tries to find him to make him free of the curse, when he finds the shinigami he tells him that he can take his imortallity but he will always have a perfect health, only being able to die by suicide or by old age. He begs for the god of death to help him, but he gets kicked out of his palace saying that he has to wait 10 years for him or make it happen himself, when he returns to his city he discovers that his two sons didn't notice that he was gone for so long, no one in the city actually tried to look for him or remember him, so he sets up one final goal, make everyone remember him with a perfect suicide."

"Your father wrote this story?"

"Yes, but he couldn't finish it, after my mom died he started to get depressed and couldn't really think of a good ending. He was busy of his own suicide too, I guess..."

Kenma was amazed with the story that Kuroo's dad came up with, she couldn't help but think how it could have easily turned into a best-seller if it finished and published.

"Wow... just... Wow..." she said while looking at the bunch of paper wrote  with a terrible caligraphy "But I don't get it... Your dad told you to be like the old man?"

Kuroo was looking away, looking at the past, I think we can say. He started looking for something in a bag that must've brought by his boss."

"Here." he said while gaving Kenma an envelope "The letter."

She opened it and found a paper wrote with the same terrible caligraphy as the others.

"Dear Son,

  I'm writing this because I know how difficult it was when your mom passed away without saying goodbye. Also, to leave my last wish. Make people remember you forever. I know it's selfish of me to force my goal to you but, please, make it happen since I can't, after all look at the way I'm going with a bunch of pills, the only thing I'm afraid right now is that it won't work and I will have to face you tomorrow ashamed of my own self.

  Complete my book in a way that I could never do, be the old m..."

She suddenly started to see everything blur aand the words couldn't be read anymore, she could feel the emotions of his dad thorugh such a simple and short letter. Through her tears she said:

"He was an amazing writer."


"Don't go..." she said quietly


"Please don't go."

As soon as Kenma noticed that she couldn't say her feelings out loud, more tears started to fall while the same words kept repeating in her head.

"Please don't go. Please don't go. Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go.Please don't go... "

"You still..." more and more "haven't..." tears " fullfilled your promise with me..." and thoughts "yet...".


heyheyheyheyehehaakj, long chapter to compensate for the lack of updates, it will have around three more chapters i guess then its over. sorry if it has too many mistakes i dont have time to check my misspellings and im also too lazy to do it in the computer, i will probably do it when my new phone arrives WHAT I HOPE IT HAPPENS SOON BECAUSE I HAD TO DELETE MYSTIC MESSENGER APP TO GET MORE STORAGE AND IM IN THE MIDDLE OF JUMINS ROUTE SO YEAH IM FUCKING PISSED oh well +++ thank you for +400 views yayyy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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