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He hated how slow minutes seemed to pass by when you were waiting for something to happen.

He had gone home after his talk with Rachael, and locked himself in his room.

He didn't want his parents, or Piper for that matter, to see him smiling like an idiot. He wanted to be happy all on his own.

Because with any luck, he would be dating his best friend by the end of the night.

Rachael had given him only one simple instruction; dress his best. And Henry intended to do just that.

He walked to his closet and pulled out his nicest pair of jeans. Charlotte wasn't a fancy girl, so he knew he didn't have to impress her too much.

However, he did want to show her that she was special enough to dress up for.

Henry grabbed a button down shirt, light blue, Charlotte's favourite colour. He set his clothes down on the end of his bed.

Never in his life had Henry cared so much about how he dressed. But then again, no moment had ever been as special as the one he was about to live.

For weeks he had been dreaming about the day he would tell Charlotte that he liked her, yet it had never really seemed like it would ever happen. Now thanks to Rachael, it was just hours away.

He looked over at his desk, where several photo frames sat. He smiled at them, noticing how many memories they each held.

Henry loved photos. He loved looking back on memories of the people he loved most, and who made him who he was. They were one of his favourite things in the world.

Scattered throughout his room were frames of his favourite memories.

He had photos of his family, his mom and dad, and Piper. But family photos  were also shown throughout the rest of his house. His room was his space, so he showcased the things that were the most important to him.

Charlotte and Jasper.

He had pictures of them spread all around his room. Some from when they were children, covered in dirt but always smiling, and some were from recently.

They were his favourite things in the entire world.

He looked at a few of them, a smile spread across his face. He couldn't find one photo where he wasn't right beside Charlotte, so close that their arms were touching.

He was in awe of every memory they had ever made together. Best friends. Together to the end.

Charlotte had so quickly become the most beautiful part of his heart. She was the reason behind his smile, and he couldn't wait to tell her that.

His only hope was that she would say it back.

He pulled out his phone and typed out a message. He wanted to send it before his nerves got the best of him. He needed to make sure she was there.

Because there was no confession of his love if she wasn't on that roof with him.

When he had sent the message, Henry put his phone in his desk drawer. He didn't want to see it, see if Charlotte respond. He wanted everything to be natural.

So instead he went and laid on his bed, his heart beating against the wall of his chest.

He was nervous, so very nervous. But he had also never felt more alive.

And as the minutes passed by, he was one step closer to holding her in his arms.

Hello my loves!

So I'm very sorry about this dull chapter, I honestly couldn't find a good way to tie the last one into the next chapter. This was the best I could come up with! And don't worry, the next few chapters totally make up for it!

I have written the moment, the one you are all waiting for, and it is beautiful. It actually brought a tear to my eye. I cannot wait for this to be real.

Until tomorrow, and the most beautiful chapters yet, thank you. And happy reading!

Natalie xx

Heart to Hart - a Chenry FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant