
558 14 11

Hope you enjoyed the last chapter the same rules apply, bold is talking and italics is thinking.


'I recognize that voice' "You made me drop Ashiya's Groceries" he sais with a boring tone, you blush slightly as you realize you're in his arms. As you jump out if his arms you turn and look at him "Hey! I recognise you!" as you say this the blonde haired man behind him seemed to be getting nervous, "your that guy that called me at work  today!" as you say this there seems to be a sigh of relief from the blond haired man and Emi looked angry and walked down the steps "What did you think you were doing you stupid Neet!?"? 'Neet?' you think as Emi turns and looks at you "Sorry about him {Name}" Emi says to you softly "Oh no no it's fine really" You reply reassuring her, as you say this the blonde man finally decides to speak "My name is Ashiya Shirou" he smiles "Urushihara Hanzo" the purple haired boy said practically mumbling "my name is {Full name} nice to meet you Ashiya" Urushihara walked up the steps and went inside after you said this "C'mon {Name}" Emi says as she slowly walked up the steps and you followed. when you got inside you saw Urushihara at a computer, Ashiya cleaning and A black haired guy reading manga, "Oh..hey Emi" he says focused on his book, "We're going to the pool later wanna come?" he says looking upward "Sure i long as {Name} and Rika can come" Emi says quickly "yeah sure also Chi is coming too" he looks at you "I'm Sadou Maou" "I'm {Full name}" Just as you say this Urushihara interrupts "Yeah... now that we're all chums can we eat?" 'Wow he's rude' "Yes yes I'll start making food Urushihara" Ashiya says out of the blue, "Mister Maou!"  you hear as the door opens "Oh hey Chi" as Maou says this the girl he called Chi looks around and looks at you "W-whos the new girl Sadou?" she says looking quite worried "oh her? That's Emi's friend {Full Name}" the pink haired girl sighs in relief "I'm Chiho nice to meet you {Name}" she says smiling. 

~~I while later~~

"Dinner is ready everybody take a seat" Ashiya says after taking his sweet time "Finally" Urushihara says but as he stands up he seems kinda mad "Hey! Where am I Gonna sit?" "You'll have to sit at your computer desk Urushihara" Maou responds to him calmly "What?! No fair you made room for {Name}, Chiho and Emi but not for me!?" He shouts "Urushihara..." you mumble "What" he replies as you scooch over in your seat so he could sit down "Y-You can sit down here" You say still thinking over what you were doing, "Thanks...{Name}" he says while sitting next to you and when you look over at him his cheeks seem to be a bit pink from blushing.
'Why is he blushing'

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Loving a NEET (Urushihara x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن