"No." She mumbles into Sebastian's chest, hugging closer to him.

"Okay then, sweetie." Sebastian sighs, rubbing a hand round Emma's back. "But, honey. Please be careful of my tummy." He says. "You don't want to hurt your baby sister do you?"

Emma looks up at her mother, shaking her head quickly, before leaning forward and placing a kiss to Sebastian's swollen stomach through his shirt, earning a warm smile from Sebastian as he stared down at his little girl. Slowly, he runs his fingers through Emma's hair, before looking over at Chris who was watching the both of them.

"Chris, you and Taissa just go downstairs." Sebastian says. "Emma and I'll come down in a bit."

Chris nods, before leaning over and placing a kiss on Sebastian's cheek. "Okay, honey." He says, before getting up and out of bed, before turning to Taissa who was still sitting on the bed next to Sebastian. "You coming, Tai?" Chris asks her.

She nods her head, before turning to her mother, giving him a kiss on the cheek just as Chris did, before she's jumping off the bed and following her father out of the room.

Once Chris and Taissa have left the room, Sebastian lays back on the bed and Emma cuddles up against his side. Sebastian smiles down at her, kissing the top of her head as he wraps an arm round her waist.

There's nothing in the entire world that Sebastian would prefer than this. He's so fucking thankful that he's got such an amazing husband, and two beautiful daughters and another on the way. He wouldn't trade any of this for the world, he loves Chris and the girls so god damn much, and he has no idea where he'd be without them in his life.

Though, none of this would've even been possible if he and his mother hadn't left Romania when he was only eight years old. If he and his mother never moved to America, then Sebastian doesn't think that he'd have ever met Chris and he wouldn't have the family he has now. So really all of this is thanks to his mother deciding that they were to leave Romania, and move to America.

After what felt like hours, but was really probably only about twenty minutes, maybe a bit longer, Chris came back upstairs and leaned up against the doorway as he watched his mate and daughter cuddled in bed together. The sight made a smile cross his face, and he just can't believe how lucky he is to have Sebastian and their daughters in his life.

Sebastian notices Chris watching him and Emma, and he looks up over at him, smiling at the sight of his husband. "Hey." He says, before looking back down at Emma, who was still cuddled up against his side.

"Breakfast's ready." Chris says, walking over to the side of the bed next to Sebastian. "Has she fallen asleep?" He asks, looking down at Emma.

"I think so." Sebastian nods, before gasping quietly, a hand shooting to his stomach. "But this little one seems to be awake now." He laughs a little, as he presses a hand down softly on the area where he felt the baby kick. "Though, I think she might be sitting on my bladder." He jokes, as he suddenly feels the need to go pee.

Chris just laughs at that, before helping Sebastian up off the bed, before he's walking off to the bathroom. Which ends up causing Emma to start whining in protest as she reaches out for her mother to come back.

"Come here, Emma." Chris says, holding his arms out for Emma to climb into them. "Mommy just needs to go to the bathroom, then he'll be back." He promises her, as he picks her up in his arms.

Eventually Sebastian walks out of the bathroom and over to Chris and Emma. "Come on." He says. "I'm starving."

"Good, cause I made pancakes." Chris says, earning a kiss from Sebastian, whose eyes light up at that.

They make their way downstairs after that, Sebastian moving a little more slower than Chris from the weight on his front, and they walk into the kitchen. Taissa was already seated at the table eating her pancakes, and Sebastian smiled, shaking his head at the sight of her. She already had maple syrup on her face, but she didn't seem to care as she ate her pancakes.

Chris sets Emma down in her high chair - that's she's only now just starting to grow out of, despite being nearly three - before he goes to dish her up some pancakes.

Before Sebastian could sit down at the table, he feels something brush against his legs, and he looks down to see Muffy sitting at his feet. The cat meows up at him, squinting his eyes a little in a way that made it look as though he was glaring at Sebastian - which probably is exactly what he's doing - as he waits for his breakfast.

"You didn't feed Muffy, Chris?" Sebastian asks, walking over to the pantry to grab the bag of cat biscuits, Muffy following along behind him, meowing impatiently.

Chris looks over at him, before glancing down at the ginger tom cat at Sebastian's feet. "Uh, he wasn't in the room earlier." He says. "Besides, I don't really think he likes me all that much."

Sebastian rolls his eyes at that. "That would probably be because you don't do anything for him to make him like you." He says, as he fills the cat bowl with biscuits. "Though, he does like that beard of yours." He adds. "He's always rubbing the top of his head against it when he's sitting next to you on the couch."

"Yeah, that's about the only thing he even seems to like about me." Chris huffs, setting a small plate of pancakes down in front of Emma. "Though, if you had one he'd probably do the same to you."

At that, Sebastian shrugs. Chris isn't wrong with that, Muffy probably would do that to him too if he had a beard. But he doesn't want one, unlike Chris.

"I'm not gonna grow a beard though, Chris." Sebastian says, putting the bag of cat biscuits back in the pantry, before sitting down at the table to eat breakfast.

"Ah come on, Seb." Chris says, setting a plate full of pancakes down in front of Sebastian. "You'd look good with one."

"Chris, we are not having this conversation." Sebastian shakes his head at his husband, before starting to dig into his pancakes. "Besides, not every guy likes facial hair on themselves, and I'm one of them."

They don't speak of it after that, as Chris sits down at the table with his plate full of pancakes. In fact, they don't really say much as they eat their breakfast, except for Sebastian telling the girls to try not to make such a mess with their food, but for Taissa being five, and Emma being two, them making a mess is with their food is sure to happen. They both may be girls, but both Taissa and Emma definitely aren't exactly that tidy.

Sometime after breakfast, the Evans clan are all gathered in the living room ready to watch a bunch of Christmas movies. Sebastian puts on the movie for them while Chris lights the fire, as it's definitely a cold day that requires a fire to be lit.

Thankfully the girls don't complain about the movie choice, as they both sit in between their mother and father on the couch. A blanket was wrapped around the four of them, cause even with the fire going, it's still rather cold right now.

"Yeah, you only like me when you want something from me, don't you?" Sebastian looks over at Chris in confusion, but realizes what's going on when he sees Muffy sitting on Chris's lap, rubbing the top of his head against Chris's beard.

"At least he knows that you're the alpha male in this house." Sebastian chuckles, as he watches Muffy curl up on Chris's lap, purring loudly.

"I guess so." Chris says, stroking a hand through Muffy's fur. "Though, the big furball only ever seems to like me when he wants something."

"Most cats are like that, Chris." Sebastian says, resting a hand on his stomach as he feels a soft kick every so often. "Anyway, Muffy is like that with me most of the time, so don't take it personally."

"Mommy, daddy!" Taissa whines. "Quiet!" She says. "I can't hear the movie."

Both Chris and Sebastian have to hold back their laughs at that. Though she does have a point there, no talking while watching movies, or others won't be able to hear anything over someone talking while the movie is playing.

For the next couple hours, the family just sit on the couch under the blankets watching Christmas movies - of course Sebastian has to get up to go to the bathroom a couple of times - and they just simply spend time together as a family.

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