Me: Benny...

Benny: Love, Tiffany!! LOVE!! Go and read to them. I don't care anymore! Stay in LA. I don't care anymore!

He than hang up.

I pulled away and looked at my phone.

Emma: are you okay? We heard a lot of yelling...

Me: uh, yea... Let go and read you Guys your books...

Drake: What happened?

Me: I recorded the whole thing all of a sudden. You can listen.

I gave him my phone and he pressed it to his ear.

His face slowly turn into a frown. (Drake is 18 by the way)

Drake: I'm sorry, doll.

Me: its not your falut...

Drake: lets read to them anyways.

Me and Drake took turns reading books to the kids.

It wasn't long until I got another phone call.

I picked it up.

Alli: WHERE ARE YOU?!?! All of a sudden, you went to Cody's room and your gone! We didn't see you go though the door either!

Me: Uh...

Alli: don't tell me you jumped out the window!

Me: I jumped out the window...?

Alli: and your perfectly fine?!

Me: calm down Alli! I'm at the orphanges library. I'm just reading to the kids. And I met the brother-

Alli: How old is he?

Me: Uh...

I covered the phone.

Me: Drake, how old are you?

Drake: 18

I uncoverdd the phone.

Me: 18

Alli: please tell me your not going to make the same mistake as Oliver!

Me: Ive learn my lesson Alli. Drake is really nice too!

Alli: Okay. Oh, by the way, Oliver is over. Same as Kaleb. They want to know where you were. When you didn't pick up, they went to your house. When you weren't-

Me: Wait, they knew where I live???

Alli: they saw you walk overr. Than to here. So...

I slapped my forehead.

Me: Just, make sure Oliver is gone. Please?

Alli: what about-

Me: Hes fine. He can stay.

Alli: okay. See you went you get back.

Me: Okay. Bye.

I hanged up on the phone.

Drake: You want me to take you home?

Me: I think I can stay a bit longer.

After a whole bunnch of books read, all of them fell asleep. I carried Rain and Blake while Drake carried Emma and Jake.

I placed them on the beds and kissed the foreheads. I saw them smile.

I felt my lips curl onto a smirk and I started to poke them.

Me: Go to sleep. Its getting late.

I looked at my phone.


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