Chapter 12

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Me: Gr... -.-

Cody: let's just go already, don't fight over the car... Jeeze...

All of us got in the car.

But took a while since ALLI kept pushing me off the passenger seat!

[By the way, she's standing next to me so I gotta be careful of way I say...]

Finally, and I mean, FINALLY!!! I got the front seat.

Me: hahahahaha!

Alli: Pft, I just let you win. You won't be able to get away that easy next time!

Cody: let's just go.

We sat in the car ride with no words...

Ugh. I hate silence...

Me: Didnt go no where, never left Uh. You really thought I was gone, gone, gone, gone. I heard you talking like I lost my swagger. Said I was over. You were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Cody: Ross Lynch?

Me: -blush- yea... He's like the next you. I'm not even kidding.

Alli: yea, I totally agree. Your like the next Justin Bieber while Ross is the new you!

Cody: he is good...

Me: awww... Is Cody jealous?

Cody: what?? Noo! Why would I be?

Alli: Didnt go no where, never left Uh. You really thought I was

Me joining in: gone, gone, gone, gone. I heard you talking like I lost my swagger.

Alli: Said I was over, you were wrong wrong wrong!

Me: I'm always improving, always on my move and-

Cody: I get it! No need to sing.

Me: Cody, your not jealous, are you?

Cody: nah. I just... Don't want you to sing the song. That all.

Cause you, are on my mind.

Oh crap...

Alli: Tiffany, is that what I think it is?

I quickly picked up my phone. 

Me: Uhh... Hello?

Benny: Hey.. Uh, how you doing? -Whispers See what your making do here?!- Hi!

Me: Hey Benny!

I looked at Cody o see him looking out the window. 

Cody: Let's go. put on your seat belts. 

Me: I already did..

Alli: Same here. You're the only one not.

Cody looked down. 

Cody: Gr...

Me+Alli: LETS GO CODY!!!!!

Cody: Okay okay. Calm down. Jeeze. 

Me and Alli Laughed

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