Chapter 15

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As I got home, I got 10 text messages.

2 from Cody, 3 from Allies, 3 from Keleb, and 2 from 2 Unknown numbers.

Cody: Where are you guys??

Cody: Come to the car. We are leaving soon.

Alli: where are you? Did you get some already?

Alli: Can you come over tonight?


Keleb: Tiffany, did you get home? Text me back.

Keleb: Hey, are you going to come home? I know your not Canadian but are you coming home?

Keleb: I love you.

Unknown: sup sexy? ;)

Unknown 2: Hey, text me back when you get this(:

I then replied to all of them.

Me ---> Cody: I'm at home already

Me ---> Alli: Yea, ill come over.

Me ---> Keleb: yea, I got home(: I am coming back home and love you too Bestie(: <3

Me ---> Unknown: How did you get nh number Oliver?!

Me ---> Unknown 2: Who are you? How did you get my number? -unstern voice-

I got texts back from Unknown 2 first.

Wow, they are quick.

Unknown: I'm @Live4CodyS on twitter. Maggie? You game me your number.

I remembered!

I saved her number and tested back.

Me ---> Maggie: oh! Hey!(:

Maggie ---> Me: What's going on?

Me ---> Maggie: at home, just got back from the park(:

Maggie: Do you happen to live in LA now?

Me ---> How'd you know?

Maggie ---> Me: Twitter.

Me ---> Maggie: Ohh! Haha xD

Maggie ---> Me: I'm living in LA too! :D We should totally meet.

Me ---> Maggie: YESHHHHH!! :3

Maggie ---> Tomorrow?

Me ---> Yup. Park?

Maggie ---> Me: By the Beach?

Me ---> Maggie: That's the one(: Are you a morning person?

Maggie ---> Me: Lol, not really :p

Me ---> Maggie: 12:30pm then?

Maggie ---> Me: Yes!(:

Me ---> Maggie: Hold on, ill text you back. I gotta do something.

Maggie ---> Me: Okay. I have to as well.

Me ---> Maggie: Okay, see ya(:

I put my phone away and went next door.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks.

My mom wasn't home so I have to write a note.

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