Chapter 8

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Me: What are you doing! 

Cody: Nothing! 

All of a sudden, something hit my head.

I fell toward the ground and looked back.

Someone, threw it at me, but I don't know who.

It was, a can.

I felt something, I touched the back of my head and, Blood?

I closed my eyes.

Everything then went black...

I then felt a damp towel, dabbing on my head.

I opened my eyes and saw him.

I got up.

He pulled me back down.

Cody: Please Don't go.

Me: Why are you helping me?

Cody: Because, Isn't that what Cody Simpson suppose to do?

Me: Uhhh, possible. But why do you want to?

Cody: Well, something hit your head and you started bleeding. Someone threw it at you. I don't know who though. I'm sorry I didn't help when I saw the person. But at least I got you here in time.

I sat up stright and looked down at my shoes.

Why was he helping me... He just met me like a few hours ago.

Me: Well, I should go...

Cody: But you just got here a while ago.

Me: I know. I should go. I don't want to be a bother.

I quickly got up and walked home.

I looked back and saw Cody staring at me.

I turned around and blushed and headed home.

I turned around.

I guess I could stay for a while. 

Me: Fine, I'll stay! 

Cody: Yay! 

He ran upstairs and I sat down and turned on the tv

Cody: Lets take apictures! 

I laughed. We took a few pictures and I called Karina.


Me: Hey!

Karina: Hey! 

Me: Video Chat? I got a surprise!

Karina: Sure! 


I yanked his laptop away from him and went to find a video chat.

I saw Karina and Video chated. 

Karina: No way! Your Cody Simpson!

Me: Anyway, My mom might want me home by now. Nye Karina! 

Karina: You just got on!

Me: I know! I gotta go.

Tiffany then left. I sighed. 

**Cody's Point Of View**

Karina: are you guys like, Together? 

I smiled. 

You want us too?

She look serious. 

Karina: Are you REALLY asking me that??

Karina hopes me and her were together.

She then fell of her chair, I laughed so hard.

She looked at me and I looked at her and stopped laughing.

Karina: Very Funny.

She got up and got back on her chair.

We talked about how we were going to tell her.

Me: How 'bout at one of my concerts, We can pull out a stool for her to sit on. Of course she would have NO idea what's going on. But I would sing "Angel"  to her. You can come as well.

Karina: awesome. Do you think you can send me a backstage pass? My parent's will pay for the plane. They don't mind.

Me: If you want or if your parents want to. My parents could pay for the plane if you want.

Karina: I'll buy some things for her If you want.?

Me: What kind of things do you have in mind?

I can tell she has some big idea's in her head right now.

She better say roses.

Ha ha.

Karina: Roses and maybe a small tiara.

Me: Whoa, Don't go to much.

Karina: Okay, But that would be okay alright?

That would be perfect.

Me: That would be awesome. You are amazing you know that?

Karina: Of course I know that! I'm her best friend! dur. I'm suppose to know what she likes. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't? Hey, I gotta go. I'll tell my parents to send you the pass.

Me: Kay BYe. Thanks By the way.

She said and I nodded.

Alli looked at me.

Me: What?"

Alli: What was that about?

Me: You'll find out soon, Alli. You will find out soon.

This shall be fun.

I then fell asleep.

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