Candy Shop: Part Two

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You sat in one of the stalls, staring at nothing and thinking about everything. Your sniffles were quiet and choppy.

"(F/N)...?" You heard the sweet sound you always wanted to hear. It was a smooth and calming voice, one full of care and worry. "Satsuki!" You yelled while jumping out of your spot and hugging the figure. You landed into a chest, muscular and bold.

Clenching your teeth, you backed away and looked down. "I-I'm sorry...I thought you were-" He cut you off and hugged you.

"(F/N), it's okay. Just be quiet." Himuro's voice stayed the same. You simply nodded your head and silently cried; which soon turned into a loud sob. Clinging on to the back of his shirt, your voice shook with pain. Your whole body trembled and you began to drop to the floor, bringing the male you were practically holding on to with dear life; with you.

He stroked your back gently, and your sobs were the only thing filling the locker room.

~Time Skip~

You had gone home for the rest of the day, knowing that you would much rather get rest than deal with people.

Laying in your bed, you had wished that your loving best friend would come home and listen to you.

"Why am I like this..." You whispered to yourself softly, and laid on your side. Every move you made felt like pain, except the pain was your emotions.

As you sullied in your spot quietly, you heard a jingle at the front of the door. Your head jerked upward and your neck cramped almost instantly, which made you suck in your breath low and slow with pain.

Shaking off the feeling, you got up from your spot and moved toward the front door. Hoping, wishing, dying for it to be your long time companion.


The sound drowned into your ears, and your eyes stung. "Satsuki..." you looked at the female and your tears leaked out more than ever.

"Himuro told me about your emotional outburst...He said you didn't tell him anything." She stared into your (Eye Color) eyes with empathy.

"No...I didn't..." You practically choked out to her, and you sobbed loudly. Falling to the ground, you kept repeating, "I'm sorry!"

Satsuki, sat down on the ground next to you with tears in her eyes. "No it's okay, it really is. Just hush, okay?"

You nodded your head and explained everything to her with loud sobs and a stuffy; as well as runny, nose.

"Oh (F/N), that sounds like a lot. But, what about that short guy...?" She stared at you with worried eyes, and at that exact moment you dashed to the bathroom.

"(F/N)! I'm begging, don't go. He's just....Not a good person, okay?" Her voice was low, as if saying a secret or like he was standing in the room over. "Satsuki, don't worry. It's rude to not tell your date you don't want to be in a relationship." You smiled while opening the door, and Satsuki stared at you with bright eyes. Then they started to well up with more tears and she busted out with a loud wail. "(F/N)!" She yelled out your name in the sob she had begun, and her nose started to run with snot and her body was trembling.

Laughing with a whole heart, you patted her head and went to get changed. "So, I'm thinking casual. You?" You stared at her and she simply nodded her head. You winked and put on black jeans, with a simple white shirt that had a low V. Then, you put on knee-high socks and Brown boots, then your leather jacket.

"Now for ice..." you jogged to the kitchen, and opened the freezer with a bit of hurried movement. "Um....Ice?" The pink haired girl walked in wiping her nose with a tissue. "Yes, it'll make my eyes less puffy. Don't want to look my total worst."

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