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I wake up sweating. Just like every other morning. There's no dumb mirror, but I do know one thing for sure, today's my birthday and I can smell my breakfast waiting for me.
I get up and go down stairs, only to see cold pancakes waiting on the table for me with a note
"Dear Alex, I made breakfast but didn't want to wake you. I'll be back soon, had to go pick up your present and the cake. Love you, dad"
'Soon can be hours with him,' I think to myself 'better eat my cold, soggy pancakes. It's gonna be a while.'
When dad got home he brought in the cake and what I guessed was my present inside, it was tall and thin, he had put a tarp over it so I could be surprised. We ate cake and then it was time for me to open that thing standing in the corner. I tore the tarp back and when I saw what it was, I gasped in horror. The mirror. It was so familiar and intimidating. My dad worried I didn't like it asked me if it was alright. I just nodded. I couldn't bare to watch him load it back into the car and take it back. So I acted fine.
He said we would put it in my room, and I almost argued that we keep it in the living room. He set it up and we went to bed. But I couldn't stop staring at the mirror, the same mirror that haunted me for the past ten years. Eventually I fell asleep, and had the dream one more time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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