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sorry if this chapter is weird I'm writing it on my new computer

"are you sure you'll be ok I'll stay with ya" I said really not wanting to go with Emily

"yes go I'll be fine now get going don't be late" Skye replied pushing us out the door


We got to the concert it was so big well I cant really say due to the fact I never have been to a concert before my jaw was dropped to my feet Ben chuckled

"What have you never been to a concert before" he asked

"nope" I replied

"why" Ben asked I looked up at Sean because he's the only one besides Josh and Skye who knows

"Hey how about we go and get some food before the show starts" he said moving back next to me while Kaylee and Emily walked in front of us and put his arm around me

"Yeah lets get some food" Emily said stopping we made a circle

"What do we want" Kaylee asked

"Ok we gotta get drinks popcorn and nachos" Sean said

"YES nachos" I cheered

"You picked a good girl Sean she likes nachos" Emily said

"Sam you and Ben go get the seats while I'll get the food and Sean you'll go with Emily and get the drinks" Kaylee said


"I'm really hating Kaylee right now" I said as ben and I sat down

"It's fine Sam stop worrying Sean wouldn't cheat" He said putting a hand on my knee I sat back sighing and putting my head on his shoulder in a friendly way

"I hope you're right" I said


Sean, Emily, and Kaylee soon all came back and the show started I didn't stand like the rest of them mainly because I was to short to see above everyone I looked over and saw Emily was standing on top of her chair but knowing my luck I would fall Ben saw and sat down

"What's wrong" He asked

"I can't see" I replied

"Stand on the chair" He said

"I'll fall" I laughed

"I got you" Ben said standing up and putting his hand out I rolled my eyes and stood up

"You better" I replied then I gribbed his hand and got up on the chair

"Holy shit this is what being tall looks like" I yelled ben laughed Emily who was a chair away looked over Sean wasn't look at us but enjoying the concert when Emily moved her hand over and pushed me off the chair I screamed both ben and Sean looked at me but by the time ben acted I was on the ground

"Sam are you ok" Ben asked getting down next to me

"No Emily pushed me" I said rubbing the back of my neck Sean then got down

"Why would she push you" Sean asked as Ben helped me up

"Maybe so Ben could save me you would get jealous break up with me and go with her" I said Emily sounded affended then got off her chair

"I would not" she said

"Sean are you really taking her side over Sam's" Ben asked

"yeah" Sean replied

"Thanks Sean Thanks a lot" I said pushing past him with tears In my eyes and into the bathroom


I sat in the stall crying when I saw Kaylee's shoes on the other side

"Sam can I talk to you" She asked I wiped my eyes and came out

"I cant believe Sean di that" I said

"He probably feel bad about it" she said

"what about Emily" I asked

"She's just jealous that Sean Moved on" she said then the door opened and Emily came in

"Can we talk alone" She asked me

"why so you can punch me" I asked

"Talk please" Kaylee said leaving

"What are you gonna do to me now" I asked walking over to the sink and looking in the mirror

"I'm gonna tell Sean what I did" she said I turned around

"Why" I asked

"Because I don't like him anymore" she said

"then why di you come" I asked

"you cant tell anyone" she whispered I nodded then she looked around

"ben planned everything so that Sean would break up with you and you would get with him" She explained

"what no ben wouldn't do that"

"he did now get together and I'm gonna tell Sean everything munis the ben part and say I'm leaving" She said I looked up at her and nodded

"Um could I have you're number you seem like a really cool girl" I asked holding out my phone she laughed

"Yes" she said taking my phone and putting her number in when she handed it back I texted her so she would have my number

"Bye" she said then leaving I turned to face myself In the mirror and smiled but then remembered what ben did I cant believe it why would my best friend my brother hurt me like this I don't know but I'm gonna find out


I walked back out to my seat and sat down with out looking at ben

"I'm so sorry Sean about everything" I said

"No its my fault" I replied

"Where did she go" I asked playing along

"she said that she was just playing with me and trying to break us up out of jealously" she said

"are we good" I asked

"never better" he said placing an arm aroung

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