City Life| Rewritten

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I stare at the blue sky, well the parts of the blue sky that shows through the tall trees of the forest. I lay on my back on the ground of the forest that I tend to spend more time in then I should. It's always quiet and peaceful, something that comes far and few between while living in the middle of a large city like I do. My mind wonders and starts thinking about what my brother Josh is currently doing at our house. The house that belongs to his dad and to my mom, we're step-siblings but to me, he is just a brother. My mind shifts from Josh to Skye, my best friend who at the beginning of this summer left the city and moved into the country. There Skye is with her dad and is living in her families Lodge Resort, The North Star Lodge. It's where her mother grew up, her mother who last year passed away. I fell my phone vibrate in my back pocket, which I quickly see is Josh himself calling me. 

"Sam, Kevin is going to be home soon and mom said dinner is almost ready." 
"Okay, I'm leaving now." 
I hang up and quickly jump up to my feet, I walk over to the nearby tree and pick up my bike, it was at one point a light baby blue color but that color is now covered in dirt and grime from riding in the woods for how many years. I grab my short, black, curly hair and pull it into a not so neat bun on the top of my head and pull the short piece that falls into my face behind my ear. Moving my headphones from around my neck to on my head, I shuffle my playlist and off I go. 


35 Minutes Later. 

The ride from the forest to the city is 5 miles, that takes me around 25 to 30 minutes than the ride from the front of the city to my house is 5 minutes, so 35 minutes later I am finally home. I enter the house through the garage, leaving my bike leaning against the wall before entering the house. The smell of my mother's meatloaf washes over me as I enter the kitchen, where my mother was just pulling the said meatloaf out of the oven. "Oh, Sam your home. Just in time." My mother smiles at me, I smile back. I see none of myself in her all besides her smile, that we share. Not seeing myself in her scares me, because that means I look like him... I don't want to have any connection with him. She's white, meanwhile, I'm a mocha latte, meaning I'm half white and half black. He was black. Suddenly I hear the front door slam shut, and I jump. "Welcome home darling!" Mother smiles looking pass me to the front door, in which my stepdad, who I call Kevin, has just entered. He doesn't reply to her and enters the kitchen grumbling cuss words and angry things under his breath. "How was work?" Mom questions him, he looks at her with a cold expression on his face and just turns away and goes down the stairs that connect to the kitchen that leads to there bedroom. Mom says nothing about this, and just turns back to the meatloaf unfazed, I stand starring laser death beams at the door. "Josh dinner is ready!" She grabs the meatloaf and starts into the dining room, I turn and follow. 


I rise my mouth out with water as I finish brushing my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm basic, not pretty, just basic. I have brown eyes, my mom loves my eyes, that makes me love them. My black curly are held back by a large clip, my lips are sorta big but not large, I'm extremely short. I'm pulled from the mirror when I hear another voice that doesn't belong to Josh coming from Josh's room. I look to my left, there is a door that goes into Josh's room. On the right is a door that goes to my bedroom... we share this bathroom. I walk over and then I finally realize whose voice it is. "Skye!" I yell out of excitement and run into Josh's room, throwing myself beside him on the bed and on his phone is Skye. My sister, my best friend, our friend.  

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