Camping trip

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"Are you sure you can take care of things While we're gone" Skye asked
"I'll be fine go and have fun" he said
"Ready" oz said coming out in the same clothes and guitar case
"He's coming" Noah asked I hit his arm
"Where's your stuff" I asked
"Everything I need is in here" he said holding up his case
"I pretty sure Skye got everything" Sean said coming out
"It's my moms old stuff" she said
"Come on let's go before Danielle finds a way to wreck it" I said we all laughed and ran off
Skye walked with Noah in the front then oz and Kaylee walks together in the middle while Sean and I walked in the back
"Are you and Ben talking yet" I asked
"Since he almost broke my ankle no" he replied
"I'm glad he's not here hopefully there will be zero drama" I said
"This is s good spot" Skye said stopping at a clearing
"Your legs are just tried aren't they" I asked
"Pretty much" she said falling down Kaylee and I laughed helping her up
"Hey fancy seeing you here" I heard Ben's voice say I looked over as he walked out of the woods
"Dammit" I said putting my head down
"I picked up a wild animal" he said then Danielle appeared
"Ha ha real funny" she replied Sean sighed putting his head down as we laughed at what Ben said
"I'm invited right" Ben asked Skye
"Yeah totally" Skye said
"I'm not talking to him" Sean said
"Me nether" Ben said
"Please don't fight" I said they looked at each other and nodded
"Ok so who has tents" Skye asked Kaylee, Noah, Sean, and Ben raised there hands
"Oz you don't get the point of camping do you" Sean asked
"No" he smiled
"Sean how big is your tent" Skye asked
"I can fit and a smaller person but I don't think oz could fix with out us kicking each other all night" Sean said
"Noah what about you" I asked
"10 person" he replied we all looked at him
"What I Like to spread out" he said
"Oz you can share with Noah" Kaylee said
"What" Noah yelled
"Hey tent mate" oz said putting his arm around Noah's shoulders Noah put his head down Kaylee Skye and I laughed
"Wait how are 4 girls gonna fit in a two person tent" Kaylee asked
"Well Sean and Ben can share them two of us can take one of there tents" Danielle said
"Unless we want someone to die I don't think them sharing a tent would be a good idea" I said
"Ok well then Danielle you can share with one of them" Skye said
"Um no I'm not sharing a tent with boys" she replied
"I share with one of them" I said Ben could tell I was gonna pick Sean
"You can share with me" Ben said
"Ok" I said Sean scolded Ben
"I'm gonna go get som wood" Skye said disappearing into the forest while the rest of us started pitching are tent soon Skye came running back
"I heard something" she said
"Nice try trying to spook us" oz said
"I'll go" Sean said
"No I'll go" Ben said
"go together" Skye said and they went off
"I'll make sure there's no blood" I said following them

I ran back to camp and finished pitching the tent soon Ben returned with little wood and Danielle disappeared
"Guess who's back at the lodge" I heard Skye say I turned and she she meant Ben
"Finally I have my brother back" I said sitting down next to him hugging him then Sean walked out of the woods with a huge pile of wood and dumped it next to Ben's pathetic pile I laughed and he sat down we all sat in silence staring at the fire
"Hey can I try something out on you guys" I asked
"Like a song" Noah asked
"Um yeah just something I put together over the months I was here" I said
"Sure" they all replied
"Um Kaylee can I borrow the guitar" I asked she nodded and handed it to me (Danielle is on her own log then Samantha Sean and oz sat on another then Skye and Ben on one and Kaylee and Noah on the last one)

Where you belong
Sung by: Samantha with all

If you're feeling down or weak
You can always count on me
I will always pick you up
Nothing's ever gonna change
Nothing's getting in my way
I will always hold you up

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