The invite

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"Jasmine!!" My dad called me from downstairs.

"Coming!" I closed the book I was intensely reading and came down to meet him.

He kissed my forehead.

"Honey, you know you should eat too. You can't always have a book in your face." He chuckled.

"Thanks dad, but, I really am loving this book!"

He handed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, my favorite, and I went back upstairs.

I sat at my desk and kept reading. After eating my sandwich I checked the time.

10:45pm. Goodness how long have I been reading? I thought to myself. Reluctantly closing my book I went downstairs to put my plate up. My dad was sleeping on the couch so I crept back upstairs and slept.


My alarm clock screamed in my ear. Tired I swung my arm and hit the clock knocking it on the floor. I groaned sitting up. It was Saturday, and of course I forgot to turn off the alarm. I went downstairs and woke up my father.

"Dad, wake up....."

He didn't respond so I called him again.


he stirred and I left getting out cereal and milk.

"Good morning jazzy..". He said groggily.


Finishing my cereal I went upstairs to change my clothes and brush my teeth.


I was sitting on the porch reading the same book, my eyes not leaving the paper for anything. Strangely enough an owl flew in front of me.... I was ecstatic. An owl.... A nocturnal, bird, was in front of my face. I looked at it Dumbfounded. It was light brown with yellow eyes. It was holding a letter in one of its claws. It dropped the letter waiting for me to pick it up. I did so and the creature flew away.

Dear Jasmine,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Shocked and confused I showed my dad the letter. He threw it away saying

"It's a scam. There are no such thing as wizards, jazz."

I nodded and sat back down to read.

The same owl came back with the same letter. As if it knew the first one was thrown away. I tossed it into the trash can once again and the owl came back every single time.



"Um....I don't think that Hogwarts is a scam anymore...."

"And why is that?"

I showed him all the letters the owl gave to me.

He let out a deep sigh

"Come on....."

Confused about what he wanted me to do.


"Cmon. We're going to buy these books."


"'s a school, apparently you have witchcraft abilities and if they are wrong then you can come back home."

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