Game 1 [Closed]

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Hey Y'all!

It's your games admin Dee (ThePinkest) here and I am beyond excited to start out our very first game here at the Northern Lights book club!

So this is how it's gonna work here at the NLBC, every week we're gonna have a game up for you all that all accepted members are more than welcome to join in on, with ONE person winning every week (fun prizes to be announced!)


For this week, I am going to give you guys a character analysis and all you have to do is give that character a home! Write a short story or scene (your choice) using 500 words MAXIMUM with the character supplied to you below and leave it as a comment to this chapter before SUNDAY 11TH/DEC AT 1PM EST to be considered. Good luck everyone.


17 year old girl

Brown hair

Hazel eyes

Olive toned skin

She's short, and not very thin

She's very smart

Loves to write

Generally a positive outgoing personality

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