Arthur and John both stood up, straightening themselves out, it was time for both of them to step up for the family while Tommy was down. "Keep us informed on what's happening." John nodded before they both walked on out of the hospital leaving Tommy to himself.

Once his brothers had left him, Tommy decided to lay himself down across the three chairs as comfortable as he could and crossed his arms against his chest. He was going to be in for a very long night as he waited for news, so he thought he would atleast make himself comfortable.

Three long days passed by since they had arrived at the hospital, three long days since he had seen her. The doctors and nurses that attended to Victoria gave him frequent updates on her state, yet they didn't want him to see her until she had came around properly. It had been like hell knowing she was only a few doors away and being unable to see her. They had informed him that she was ready to leave their care and to continue to recover safely at home. The thought of seeing her filled him with more excitement than he had ever known so when his brothers came with clothes for Victoria, he had asked them to bring him in one of his newer smart suits so he looked well for her.

Just as Tommy had left the side room in the hospital and finished getting himself dressed in the fresh suit, the nurse walked out from her room and over to where he had stayed. "Now Mr Shelby, are you ready to see Miss Owen?" She questioned with a light smile, but she already knew his answer. Not once had he left the hospital, they didn't even need to question his love for her.

The nurse remained a few steps ahead as she guided him to her room, it wasn't until they almost reached her door that he had began to fill with nerves he had never felt before. Once at her room, the lady left him to it so she could continue on with her nursing duties. Tommy let out a soft sigh before he slowly twisted the door knob and entered into the room they had given her. His entrance alerted her and she glanced up to the door and Tommy was able to see the cuts and bruises that plastered across her face. It blew him away how anyone could lay a finger on her, let alone leave her in this state.

Remaining quiet, he walked over to the bed in which she was sat on, all nicely dressed in the clothes that Arthur and John had brought in for her. Her hair had been pulled back into a bun and closed off with her pearl pin, a few loose strands that hung around her face. Tommy sat down in the small chair that was placed beside her bed and reassuringly placed his hand on top of hers. "I had spoke to the people in charge and they had said that they would only let you go if you had family at home to take care of you during this recovery time." He explained, running his thumb lightly across her bruised knuckles.

She looked up at him with tears threatening to fall, "but Tommy I don't have a family anymore. My mother and my brother are both dead and my father is God knows where." She spoke, her voice breaking with emotion. He slowly raised his hand and softly wiped away a fallen tear with his thumb. "You do have a family. Both I, John, Arthur, Ada, Finn, Michael, Polly, Uncle Charlie, Curley and even Johnny Dogs, we're your family." Tommy explained in a lower tone of voice as he lightly placed his hand on top of hers.

"And I am not going to leave your side. Together we can either go back to your home in London, or we can go back to Small Heath." He continued, keeping his eyes locked with hers.

Slowly, Victoria climbed down from her bed and held onto the side for stability. "Can we please go back to Small Heath, I can't bare to stay in London anymore.

Victoria slowly climbed down from the bed, "please can we go back to Birmingham, I can't bear to stay in London."

He nodded as he stood up wrapping his arms around her. "Whatever you want" he whispered.

She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. It was the first time she had felt safe in such a long time.

"It's okay, darling." He spoke pulling himself back.

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