Chapter One

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I am nothing. No one. I have a name, but why bother? No one cares it seems. I have parents if thats what you want to call them. My mother gave me to my father the minute they stepped in to that court house. I give my father credit, he trys. I live in a house, in a town, in a state , but to me it feels like a box on the street. I have no friends, moving across country took them from me. But then again, were they ever really friends? hmm i guess if you call back stabbing friendship then i guess so. Since i was born, i have never felt love or affection...

" Maria, wake up. Were here honey." my dad says as he nudges me.

I open my eyes to see a blue and white house. My new house, located in Sun Valley , Ca. I climb out to stretch my legs, since ive been in the car since about 6:00 in the morning, and it is now 3:30 P.M. The movers pull in behind us. Theres only two truck, i mean not like my dad and i have alot of stuff, one because we moved frome Blain, Ky and two because we only took what was ours and what Payton, my mother, was willing to split. Gah i hate that woman, she cheated on my father for 4 and a half years. That's why my dad wanted to move as far away as possible. I stare at this house, i mean my house. I make my way up to the porch while my dad talks to the movers. I look in the front window into the living room. The walls are covered in flowers. That will change asap.

" Hey Mar, come get the keys and you can go pick out your room. " my dad yells from behind the moving truck.

Since this move wasn't my idea, i get to pick out my own room. It makes up for nothing. I guess i cant be too harsh on the old man, this wasnt his fault. I grab the keys and go in to my new house. I climb the staircase and walk in to the room on the left. Its not big at all, more of an office, which will be great for my dad. I walk straight across and look out the window to see a little girl and her dad riding a bike. How cute, father daugther bonding... I walk in to the last room. Biggest room, score.

" Ah i see youve chosen the biggest room. I thought you would. We can get paint later and you can do what ever. " my dad says standing in the door way

" Yeah well you have your room plus the office and i like this one so its perfect. Are the movers moving stuff in now? " i ask

"  Yeah and your truck will be here tomorrow. You can use mine if you want."

whoa! i get to drive the big boy if i want? hmm...

"  Well, can i go to the mall and  Wal-Mart? To get some stuff? ill GPS it."

"I guess so but dont be gone too long you have to eat and unpack. Remember school starts Tuesday."

I walk out of the room groaning and yelling thanks to my dad. I head to the truck and punch in the mall and it sets up my route. And then im off. I will be half way through my sophomore year. I hear transfering sucks. And thats just what im doing.  I pull over at a gas station and fill up the truck. As im standing there i hear a whistle.

" Dang girl, whos your sugar daddy? "

" Excuse me? " i say turning to see a group of guys walk out of the gas station.

" Whos truck? Or is your daddy inside paying for the gas and hell take your sweet self  home?"

" Come on Jake, lay of her a little. " one of the there guys says.

"  This is my daddys truck, but hes at home. Im driving it till my comes tomorrow. Im new here. "

Jake doubles over and laughs. " You mean to tell me your little self can drive this bad boy? Unlikely. Where are you from  sugar?"

" Yes ive grown up around trucks i could drive since i was 11. Im from Blain, Kentucky. " I say as i swipe my card and pay.

" Hmm Jake, i think shes a little farm girl." a different guy says.

" I think your right Allen. So sweet heart where you heading? " Jake says as he runs his fingers through his black hair trying to look cool.

" Well Jake im  actually in my way to the mall and Walmart to get some things for my room. And i better be going because im done getting gas, yet im still parked here waisting time, when someone else could use this stop."  I say climbing in to the truck as Allen whistles. he must have been the one who whistled before.

" well since your new you can follow use to the mall, we were heading there." the guy whole told Jake to back off says.

" Sure but ya'll better hurry up. I dont wait on anyone. " i say starting up the truck and moving it in to a parking space.

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