Warning: A Rant on Sleep

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Yeahhhh so this'll be a bit of a rant because I'm bored. Don't like, don't read.

Alright, so I'm going to talk about sleep today.
Sleep! We all love it!
That is... unless you're someone like me.

It's not that I have nightmares or anything, in fact, I hardly ever remember any of my dreams. No, it's the fact that I don't get enough sleep.

If I'm lucky, I probably get about 6 hours of sleep. And it's not because I have to much schoolwork. No, it's because I literally won't be able to fall asleep. I normally sleep at around 11:45, but I sit in the darkness with my eyes closed starting 10:30.
So how do I know this? Simple. I kept checking the time one night and was able to remember the last time I checked.
Oh, and before you guys say I should probably drink water or something, I've tried. It didn't work.
And before you say I should try to sleep at 9, I've tried that too. Trust me, I woke up at 12 and wasn't able to fall back asleep after that.
And I can't tell my parents! They'll think it's just something in my head or whatever, and I just made it all up, because I pretend to be asleep whenever they come upstairs to check that I'm sleeping.
So now I sit in my bed, literally just staring at the clock on my phone, waiting for it to be 11:45.
And normally I'd roleplay to make time pass quicker, but the one person who is awake at that time sometimes either gets glitchpad or ignores me so she can roleplay with someone else. (No hate, she's an awesome person)
And before anyone tells me to watch YouTube, I also can't do that, because a) My parents will hear, or b) I have giant noise cancelling headphones and I won't be able to hear if they come upstairs.
So I literally have almost nothing to do! And the worse part? My teachers give me tests all the time. So I'm doing these tests that are sometimes harder than they seem because I don't ever have enough sleep.

Oh, and when I'm unlucky, I won't sleep whatsoever. That happens a lot. Mainly when I'm nervous (God am I even MORE excited for my Bat Mitzvah now!)

I am used to this... 'disorder', if you'd call it that. I've had it for as long as I can remember.

On another note, one of the straps on my school bag broke, so my dad had to superglue it back together.

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