Chapter 1

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"You told me that this trip was only going to be for two days," Stiles whisper-yelled into the phone the morning of Christmas Eve, afraid to startle their three-year-old, Isaac, who was watching a movie in the living room. "We're on day four here, Derek!"

"We're just working a few last minute things out with the account. I'll be home for Christmas, Stiles. I promise that I'll be home for Christmas," Derek assured him as he took a minute in the bathroom of Chicago corporate to fix his tie in the mirror. 

"I have all of these people coming over tomorrow and I can't get everything done by myself. And Isaac's got a cold so I've been giving him breathing treatments every four hours like clockwork," Stiles whispered, taking a shaky breath in as he pinched his nose; the stress of being on his own for the past few days, working full time, decorating, and tending to a sick child was finally taking its toll. 

"This is the biggest account I've ever been involved with and it's bringing in a lot more money than usual. I could get a promotion if everything goes smoothly today. I can't just up and leave, Stiles! You know that! WeÕve talked about this before," Derek argued. 

"When's your flight," Stiles asked, sighing as he pushed a hand through his hair, afraid to know the answer. 

"Two o'clock your time. I should be home by four as long as the snow here in the Midwest holds out."

"Just get home safe, okay?"

"Gotta go. Love you," Derek said quickly, disconnecting the call before Stiles could even answer back. 

He let the phone fall back into its cradle and rubbed his face to stay awake, oven timer beginning to sound, the short beeps reminding him that there were two pies ready to be pulled and cooled. With a deep breath he went for the kitchen, stopping just long enough to catch Isaac propped up with pillows on the couch to make his breathing easier, eyes drooping in exhaustion. "I need you here, Derek," he mumbled as he turned and leaned his forehead against the kitchen wall with another deep breath, hoping that he had the strength to keep the act up for just a few more hours.


The snow was heavy by the time Derek's flight was scheduled to leave Chicago, causing his flight to be delayed by five hours, which left him standing alone at the arrivals section of LAX at nine thirty. He ended up calling a cab, not wanting Stiles to pull Isaac out in the rainy weather that was starting to build up. He knew things were shaky between them, that leaving him alone for nearly a week with Isaac battling a cold wasn't fair, especially since Stiles had had a full workweek himself and they were hosting Christmas for all of their friends and family the very next day.  

Still, as the cab pulled away from the house he quietly unlocked the door and lifted his small suitcase over the saddle lip, smiling when he noticed that the house was dark but that the bright lights of the Christmas tree were enough to cast a rainbowed reflection across the stairwell in front of him. As he made his way into the living room, he saw that Stiles and Isaac were passed out on the couch, the toddler belly-down on Stiles' chest, both breathing slowly and evenly. 

He kneeled down beside the couch and softly placed a hand on Stiles' shoulder, his husband's eyes blinking open and adjusting to the light, finally catching with Derek's.  

"Shh," Derek instructed, nodding towards Isaac, who he slowly lifted off of Stiles and pulled against himself, a few half-asleep coughs escaping from the small child as Derek held him close and kissed him on the forehead. 

"He tried to wait up for you," Stiles said, voice low as he followed Derek, still in his suit and tie, slowly up the stairs. 

"If you're trying to make me feel guilty about this past week, stop," Derek commanded, trying to keep his tone down. "I just spent the last twelve hours working my ass off and hurrying to get home to see you guys. I'm exhausted."

"He did a treatment about a half hour ago, so he should be good until about three," Stiles yawned and stretched, purposely ignoring Derek's anger as they stopped in the entranceway to Isaac's room. I'm going to bed," he said, turning away before Derek could muster up a comeback, knowing that having the last spoken word would leave enough of a mark.

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