Shutting my eyes, I found myself doing something I haven't done since I was a child: praying.

I somewhat wished this was a backwards fairytale and that Majesty would somehow just pull up.

"Did you or did you not kill them?"

I stared at the ground as I was deep in thought. What could I do? If I do anything his niggas will be quick to get on me. If I say what he wants me to, I won't be able to hold Majesty again.

God please help me, I just wanna go home and see my baby.. I promise I'll better myself if I get out of this situation, just please God... please let me make it home alive with Majesty in my arms.

My cheek laid on the cold ground as I expected the worse.

"Oh shit!" One of the guys yelled as police sirens wailed loudly. Ray and all of his followers ran and hopped in a van.

My eyes shut as I let out a breath of relief. I guess the big guy upstairs still cares about me..

"Sir, are you alright?" An officer shouted above the sirens. "Are you breathing?" I kept my eyes shut as I was in and out of reality. "Sir?!"

When I felt my body being lifted onto a stretcher, I finally allowed myself to let go.

"Good morning Mr. Turner, it's nice to see you are awake." Rubbing my eyes, I then attempted to sit up only to have a white woman in scrubs hold me down. "You'll hurt yourself."

I lazily stared down at my arms to see different IVs running to machines. What happened? Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked around the room wondering where Majesty is. If I'm laying in a hospital bed where could she be?

"I'm Dr. Wilson." The woman gave me a small smile as she pulled a chair up to my bedside. "I must ask you a few questions, considering you weren't too great when you came in here." She explained.

The back of my head rested on the hard pillow as I waited for what she had to ask. It's the one thing that'll probably get my wife off of my mind.

She rested her elbows on her thighs and placed her chin in the palm of her hands, leaning slightly closer to me. "What's the last thing you remember Mr. Turner?"

Begging God to save me.

"Uhh..." my voice came out rather raspy as I extended my arm to scratch my head. I need my hair cut. "I remember a cold sensation in my cheek. I rested my head on the ground, then heard loud sirens."

"So you remember hearing the sirens of the cops and ambulance..." she nodded slowly. "Do you know who did this to you?"

Tucking my bottom lip in, I stared at the boring wall across from me. "No."

"Alright." She clasped her hands together. "I of course had a receptionist reach out to your wife, Mrs. Majesty Turner, but there was no answer. She also happened to be the only one on your emergency list."

Damn. She's that mad? I fucked up once again...

"Anyways," she sighed and stood up from her seat, "I have some news for you Mr. Turner."

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