SH - Breasts

721 27 1

Word count: 342

Short because I have a bit of writer's block but I got this far.

"Sherlock?" you called out, walking down the hall. He hummed in response. He was looking in a microscope in the kitchen.

"Do you think my boobs are too small?" you asked, examining them again. You were wearing a tight tank top, which made your boobs seem a tad bit larger, but they were still small in your opinion. (Sorry for my girls with big boobs). Sherlock seemed taken aback by your question, but quickly composed himself. He thought about how to answer for a few seconds.

"Small, yes. Too small, no."

"You didn't even look," you protested.

"Didn't have to," he replied, then realized what he'd said.

"Sherlock Holmes, are you implying that you've looked at my boobs?" you slightly grinned, not expected the response he gave you next.

"I have, in fact. You're a B cup," he answered nonchalantly.

Your face turned red. "Sherlock!" you whined as a smirk showed up on his face. You threw your arms around his shoulders as you practically laid on his back, careful not to hit the microscope. You rested your chin on his shoulder.

"Why are you worried about the size of your breasts?" he asked. Knowing him, he probably already knew the answer. "Well, you're my. . . boyfriend," you hated that word. "I thought you'd just like girls with bigger boobs."

He sat up straight and started to turn around in his chair, making you have to stop laying on him. He turned around in his chair and looked at you stonefaced. "You think I care about something so insignificant as secondary sex characteristics?" The way he said it made what you asked sound stupid. "I guess not," you said quietly.

"No. I care about your brain. Your personality, your intelligence. You're aesthetically pleasing to the eye, yes, but you're also interesting. You intrigue me, (Y/N)."

"You think I'm cute?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, okay? Yes, you're cute. But you're so much more than that."

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