Chapter Two

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"So Dean, did you want to hear about the case? Or are you going to just keep staring at Cas instead of the road?"

It's times like these when Dean started to despise his brother. If Sam had to call him out, why did he feel the need to do it in front of Cas? That was just cruel and unusual punishment.


Oh right, the case. Once he actually started to listen, Sam told him where they were going and why. Apparently a bunch of people had started to go missing in Cordova, Maryland. Each would go missing in their homes, which were locked from the inside. But what was even weirder was that whenever someone first discovered the victims missing, they always reported seeing some type of animal inside, and none of the victims owned any pets. Then, by the time the authorities arrived, there would be animal hair throughout the house, but no animals were ever found.

"What are you thinking it is? Demon? God? Witch?" Dean really only asked the question to prove to Sam he was paying attention to something other than Cas. So it only made since that Cas answered, giving him a real reason to pay attention to the angel.

"Dean, no strange smells were reported and I have never heard of any god who takes sacrifices in this way. I believe this is a witch."

"Dammit. I hate witches. Always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere, nasty. So Sammy, any connection between the vics?"

"Only thing I'm seeing is that they have no pets and they disappear two at a time. Other than that none of these people ever interacted very much."

"Wait what do you mean two at a time? Like couples are abducted or two people within the town go missing?"

"Most of the pairs were friends before but some are complete strangers. The victim picking looks pretty random."

"Great, so we have a witch with lower standards than usual. This one'll be so much fun!"

About twenty minutes later Sam was attempting to sleep when he heard the angel in the backseat say, "Do you really think this hunt will be enjoyable, Dean?"

"Anything would be enjoyable as long you here,Cas," Dean said staring at Cas in the mirror.

"Stop flirting you two, some people would like to sleep thanks." Sam did think Cas and Dean would be good for each other, but a guy can only take a certain amount of eye sex in a day.

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