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   All the people in the room grudgingly sat in a circle. François and Viktor sat as far away from everyone as they could,and the Axis all sat together,you sitting next to Luciano. Anastasia and the other girl sat together,and Allen took a seat in between Oliver and you. Flavio ran a hand through his blonde hair,carefully avoiding his curl. "Hajnal,would you like to start the game?" She nodded and looked to Luciano."Luci, truth or dare?" "The last time you called me Luci was when you practically raised me,don't call me that..and truth." The Italian grumbled and Hajnal chuckled. "Is it true that you dislike Roland?" "Dislike? Oh I detest him." Luciano muttered,a hint of bitterness in his voice. "Lutz,truth or dare?"
   Lutz smirked. "Dare!"
"I dare you to jump off the roof into the pool." Luciano said cooly.
The blonde grunted and got to his feet,walking out of the room. He came back in a minute later,dripping wet with a cut on the underside of his jaw.
"I didn't quite make it." He quickly retrieved a towel and dried off the parts of his skin that were showing. "Mm..François,truth or dare?" François sighed and rolled his eyes."I have to pick?"
"Ja,or else someone picks for you." Lutz replied smugly. François tightened his jaw. "Dare."
Lutz snickered. "I dare you to kiss Anastasia."
"Kiss my little sister and I will knock your teeth out." Viktor growled and Lutz sighed.
"Fine,then kiss Oliver."
"Me?!" Oliver practically shrieked.         François grabbed him roughly by his collar,pressed a chaste kiss on his mouth, and shoved him backwards,wiping his lips with the sleeve of his button up purple shirt. "Kuro,truth or dare?"
   It took Kuro a little while to respond. "..............Truth."
"Straight."François nodded and Lutz leaned in to whisper something in Kuro's ear. "YN,truth or dare?" Kuro inquired,leaning against the wall and resting a hand on one knee.
"Um.......truth." You replied,excited for the outcome but slightly nervous.
"Do you have any feelings for me?"
"Um, yeah,you know,f-friendship, trust.." Your face started going red with embarrassment.
"Is that so? Are there any more than that?" Kuro was suddenly very close to your face.
"No." You squeaked.
"No? How terrible." Kuro sat back on his heels and clicked his tongue, shaking his head,still close to you. He put a cool hand behind your neck and you jumped. You heard a few snorts of slight disdain or snickers of amusement,and a few squeals. "Are you sure?" With that,Kuro closed the miniscule distance between the two of you and kissed your lips. You blushed and kissed back,pulling away after a few seconds. "I might like you." You stated with a smile.
"I might like you too." He kissed the back of your hand and sat in his spot again, seating you next to him as the game continued.

2p Japan x Reader:The Boy In the LibraryWhere stories live. Discover now