A Little Arrangement

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"They've arranged a marriage between you and Duke Bieber?! And you said yes? How can this be? I thought you loved me." Lorenzo felt his heart being crushed as well.

"It was a trade, Enzo. Justin always had it for me so he and his family offered my family a home as long as I become his wife. I'm stuck, Lorenzo. I don't know what to do."

"You could've said no, Y/n!"

"I had no choice!"

Two minutes of silence passed between the pair of them. Y/n was thinking about her family while Lorenzo thought about how to keep Y/n foe himself. "Run away with me."


"No. Y/n I love you and you love me. We should run away and be together." He grabbed her dainty hands and swueezed them, a plea in his eyes that beg for her to comply.

"And then what, Lorenzo? My family will still be in poverty, if not, probably worse. My family could lose everything if I run away with you. It was a kind idea, but I can't."

"Who's it going to be, Y/n? Me or your family?" Lorenzo's tone made Y/n flinch. She's never seen him so angry before.

"That's not fair and you know it." Y/n snaps, "I can't choose."

"Well let me choose for you then. Make it easier for you." He seethes, glaring daggers her way making her feel small. Lorenzo stood up to his feet and walked away from her, leaving her confused.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Y/n sniffled.

"I'm leaving. If you want to come, I'll wait at the station for you at midnight. Then is when I'll know who your heart is with."

And he was gone. Out of sight but still stuck in her mind. Should she be selfish? Or selfless?


She chose her family. She would never forgive herself if she left with Lorenzo, though it breaks her heart knowing Lorenzo will hate her forever. She hoped that one day, he'd understand why she chose her family.

It was complete blackmail.

Y/n's family was yet again at the Bieber's residence. All couples sat together as they talked amongst themselves about the big wedding. Y/n felt gray with emptiness as the rest of them felt colorful with glee and happiness.

Everyone seemed happy but Y/n. She lost her love and her freedom.

"How about all of you move into your new home, Y/n will sleep with her fianceè tonight?" Patricia chriped getting Y/n's attention.

"Sounds like a plan!" Y/n's mother chimed.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, Y/n. I don't bite." Justin said gently, holding Y/n's hand in his. She simply nodded and tried to smile.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

She shook her head, "nothing."

"There is something bothering you, you can tell me." His voice soft.

Y/n was conflicted. Should she tell him the truth? Or what he hopes to hear? Maybe lie? "I don't want to marry you." She couldn't stop her mouth from saying the truth. "My heart belongs with someone else-"

"That court boy? The poor boy who sells milk and bread in the market?" Justin asks, his tone different. Sounded angry, jealous.

"His name is Lorenzo and-"

"I will find Lorenzo and I'll have him bankrupt, Y/n. Him and his measly family will be ruined if you try to leave me." His tone was threatening as aspired to be. He wasn't kind nor gentle anymore. "And as for your family, they'll be in poverty. No one will pay them any kindness. And if anyone shares their meals, home or food with them, will be executed. Their fate depends on your choices, Y/n. Choose wisely. I know you're a smart girl."

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