Chapter 3 - All I see is Red

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NOTE: this chapter contains slightly suggestive writing !


Jesse jumped awake with a scream, jolting upwards and drenched from head to toe in sweat.

Another nightmare.

Usually, Petra would be there for her right away. In the past 3 weeks, Petra's always been there. But now it was Friday and Jesse had gone the entire week having nightmares that got worse and worse and the one person that Jesse grew to rely on to help wasn't here.

Axel and Olivia had of course moved rooms once they realized Petra wasn't going to be there, and had been Jesse's saviors for the past few days.

They had moved the other two beds in the room right next to hers, so they would always be next to her when it happened.

They both hurried to sit up and start mumbling out comforting words, Olivia gently rubbing circles on Jesse's back.

But it wasn't helping, and they both shared a sad glance which only got sadder when Jesse started crying into her hands, whimpering out a soft, desperate,"P-Petra..."

Olivia mouthed a 'Go get her' to Axel, who was preparing to get up and go do just that, but the second he was up and opened the door, a loud set of moans and the sounds of a bed creaking blasted through from across the hall and right into the room.

Axel and Olivia shared a look of alarm, then Olivia hurried to hug Jesse close as she started bawling her eyes out, sobbing into her hands. Axel hurried over as well, unfortunately leaving the door open.

They were both painfully aware of Jesse's feelings. Seeing her like this wasn't uncommon; but this time, they were both furious.

'Jesse's over here crying her heart out because of her nightmares and they're- they're- ugh!' Olivia thought to herself, and she was positive Axel was thinking the exact same thing.

This kept up all night, and while Axel and Olivia managed to drift off, Jesse didn't, and suffered through the pleasured sounds that make her heart shatter through the entire night.


The next morning, Axel, Olivia and Jesse were already up. Olivia and Axel were in the kitchen, making breakfast, while Jesse was curled into a ball on the couch.

Jesse was always the happiest of the group, but today, her depression and sleep deprivation showed on her face.

She had dark circles under her eyes, her green irises looking dull and clouded over. Her lips looked permanently pulled into a straight line, which could change into a frown within seconds.

It wasn't a look that suited her.

Petra and Lukas slowly emerged from their bedroom, looking a bit roughed up and they both cringed and shielded their eyes at the sudden light.

Lukas made his way over to the kitchen counter, leaning his upper body over it and offering Axel and Olivia a lopsided smile,"Morning guys. Whats for breakfast?"

"Make your own." Spat Olivia, casting a glare over her shoulder at him and walking over to Jesse to hand her a plate of eggs and toast. No bacon, of course.

Lukas blinked, confused and taken aback and her hostility, then annoyed, "How come you made Jesse breakfast and not any for us?"

Petra strolled over, attempting to fix her hair under her bandana,"Whats the matter?"

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