"Are you ready with the shot" she nods and slips into the crowd waiting for the action. "Alpha" someone tugged on my pants. Aw Christian man  tonight is going to suck bad.

"Yes Christian" i knelt in front of him "I am scared Alpha what if it dose not work what if Mommy gets hurt and the babies" i shush him "Remember the babies are a secret". Temperance has not started to show and her sent wont change for another month.

"Oh sorry" i cup his cheek "Do not be sorry its ok but im so sorry that i am going to have to hurt you  please forgive me ok because if you hate me i don't know if i could live anymore" he smiles lightly "For mommy i will forgive you Alpha" he kisses my cheek and runs away.

"Dylan" and boom hes by my side i chuckle "Remember when i exile Christian you go after him and hide him until Temperance is locked up alright" he nods "alright go enjoy  your self."

it was 3 hours later that i sensed her a mile away "Everyone places" i yelled loud enough fro only us to hear. She is now at the tree line and Christian starts

"Alpha wheres my mommy" he has tears in his eyes "No one cares look around we are all glad she is gone i am ecstatic" i grab an unmated female and kiss her on the lips. Eww it was a foul knowing my mate was behind me she growled but we all ignored it.

"But Tempy your mate she told me" i growled at him "Get out of here before i hurt you" i stepped forward and he stepped back crying. He socked me in the leg and before i can do it again i grab his arm and break it. He falls to the floor and doc Laura gave him a shot but he can still move so he can walk away.

Brandon and Mike go hold temperance but i pretend not to see them "Christian as Alpha i exile you from the Star-fire pack." He is balling but he stands and runs away goddess he is a strong 5 year old.

"What the hell are you doing Luca" i turn towards Temperance "Getting rid of a pest that should not even be on my territory," she growls at me "Hes only 5 are you fucking crazy" i walk up to her and punched he in the face.

It took all my power not to go wolf he was growling and clawing my insides trying to get out "I am you Alpha you will show me respect" she spat in my face and i was going to hit her stomach when i got paralyze oh my goddess i almost hurt my kids. I smacked he covering my shock "Take this sad excuse of a wolf to the Basement and lock her us with every silver chain we got "This will show you respected"

Then drug her away but i  knew she could hear me "No that waste of space is gone lets party. They all cheered and turned up the music. I ran in the direction christian when to find him and i brought Doc Laura with me.

"Dylan" i shouted "Here" i ran he was holding Christian had passed out due to the shot. I carried him t Laura's office so he could get a cast on his arm. That took an hour but after that me and him went to bed.

"Please Father and Moon goddess help Temperance threw this." i prayed and Snuggled Christian to me and held him.


I am going to fucking kill that bastard he hurt MY baby boy and exiled him oh he has another thing coming. I am going to make him wish that he was never born. I looked down and realized i was on fire and it melted all the silver chains away its not like they were doing anything but restricting my movement.

I stood but feeling dizzy and blacked out still on fire.

i woke up in a clearing there was nothing but trees then i saw two figures coming from the trees and i put my guard up.

"Are you going to really attack your mother" i growled "Yes because your fucking gave Luca to me as a Mate and he hurt Christian" she snapped he finger and i bowed "Stand down."

It took the power i have and stood up "You stopped being my goddess when you let Christian get hurt" i took a step forward and a man stepped in front of me. "Stand down" i smile "How about no" i growled his face looked shocked.

"Damn he did a good job" him and the Moon goddess both laughed he covered my eyes with his hand and i saw Luca Cuddled up to Christian with a cast on his arm.

'Christian i am so sorry' he kissed his head 'Its ok i know it was to help mommy and the Moon goddess said ill be healed in 2 days' he smiles and i tear up knowing he is hurt 'Dose it hurt buddy' Luca touches his arm and i growl knowing he cant see me 'No shot helps no hurting, but mommy ok' he looks sad

'Yeah buddy mommy's okay.  her mommy and my dad are talking to her she will be ok by tomorrow then you can show her your cool cast and tell her how much you love her and i can kiss her when your not looking' he pokes Christian's side and he has a giggle fit 'Eww no kiss mommy'

Luca chuckles 'Ok buddy night' he kisses his forehead and i start to cry and the vision fades away and arms surround me.   

"Its ok Temperance" i know recognize the man it is the Sun god. "Im sorry for not listening mother" i wiped my tears but she smiled and hugged me. "I thought i was going to lose you for a second i was scared" i smiled. "The Moon goddess scared never and Sun god i am still kicking Luca's ass when i get back" he looked confused.

"Go ahead and see what i am thinking" he closed his eyes and i let him in to my mind. He growled and opened his eyes "I am going to kill him " the Moon goddess touched his shoulder "Care to explain Temperance" i sighed

I had to pin his arms to his side because he was about to hit me in the stomach and i was not going to let that happen. After all i'm pregnant and my babies are more important that being hit in the face." She looked pissed.

"But it is ok i will deal with him i have a plan to hurt him just as much as it would have hurt me" i wink and they looked in my mind and smiled. "Well here is the information you need. Your daughter Thalia is a resemblance of me" she pointed to herself.

"Your boys shall protect her and be wary someone who you think you can trust will try to kill her when she is 16 you must train the boys they both will have your powers keep an eye on Landin i can no say more but the Sun god can."

"Landin will ether take a path of evil or good be wary i fear it will be evil and kill his mate as soon as you meet her, she is made to destroy you"  "I cant that is his mate it will kill him" a tear falls from my eyes "I will die for his happiness" the Moon goddess touched my shoulder "I will tell you this but it is never to be repeated I shell give him another i promise he will be happy"

I start to cry "If he try to harm himself" she touched my writs "This mark will glow and burn and will stop only when you have found him and he is safe" i nod trying not to cry

"Now Dylan is looking at you worried he is about to give you CPR because you are not breathing not go" i smile as they fade "Goodbye"  


Ok only 1 or 2 chapters left before i start the second book 

I hope you like this book the second one will be better i promise a Lot more romance and action and a little adventure comes up when someone goes missing

Will he/she be found or will he/she die??????

Thanks for reading you shoul share this please thank you

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