Chapter 15

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"Station 51 Fireman Kelly speaking," Chet said answering the ringing phone in dayroom.

"Hello, could I speak to Mike Stoker please?" Lizzy asked.

"May I tell him who is calling?" Chet did not remember a female calling for Mike and curiosity was getting the best of him.

"Elizabeth Dunn."

"Hold on a sec, I'll get him." Chet laid the receiver down and went to the bay to call Mike to the phone. As often was the case Mike was polishing his beloved engine. "Oh Mikey! There's a woman on the phone for you," Chet sing songed calling Mike to the phone. "Says her name is ."

"Shut up Chet," Mike said as he brushed by him on the way to the phone. "Hello Lizzy." He turned his back to the room to have as private a conversation as he could.

"Hey Mike, I was just visiting Johnny and thought I'd give you an update. He's pretty sick. I think his temperature is pretty high. Mostly he's sleeping. I met a nurse, Dixie. I think that's her name. She's checking on him now."

"She's the head nurse in the ER. She works with Johnny and Roy when they bring in patients. She'll take good care of him. She cares a lot about those two. Is he on oxygen?"

"No. At least he wasn't when I left the room, but he didn't sound too good either. He was sick when my dad found him sleeping at the hot dog stand, but it was nothing like this."

"Yeah Johnny's had a lot of smoke inhalation that has caused him to be more susceptible to pneumonia. Then of course there's having his spleen removed. He's tough though." Mike rubbed his forehead. He was worried about his friend. "I should have made sure he got dry clothes the other day. Maybe made sure he got a hot shower."

"Mike you are not responsible for him being sick. He's a grown man. These things just happen."

"I know, but..."

"No buts Mike Stoker. I'm telling you this is not your fault. Stop beating yourself up over Johnny being sick. He wouldn't want you to do that." Lizzy reasoned with Mike.

"Okay Lizzy. Do me a favor and tell Johnny we'll try to stop by when we get a chance. If not before I'll get by after shift in the morning."

"I will Mike. Is there any chance we could see each other tomorrow?" She asked hopefully.

"I'd like that," He smiled.

"I'd like that too. I'll be at the stand helping dad tomorrow afternoon if you feel like some surfing."

"I'll let you know. It depends on how Johnny's doing. But can we at least plan on dinner? I'll make some spaghetti. You could come to my place for dinner." Mike hoped she would say yes. He wanted to get to know her better.

"That would be nice. I'm going to go back and visit with Johnny a little longer. If there's any change I'll call you back."

Just as he was about to tell her goodbye the tones went off. "Uh Lizzy we got a call. I gotta go." He hung up the phone before she could say goodbye.

She stood at the nurse's desk with her hand on the receiver for a few minutes. "Is everything alright miss?" a nurse asked her.

"Oh sorry, yes everything is alright. Everything is perfect." Lizzy smiled broadly. She was going to Mike's for dinner tomorrow night. She really liked him, and couldn't help the excitement growing as she thought about spending an evening at his house. And he could cook. There were definite possibilities with this man. She walked back toward Johnny's room. She stopped at the door when she saw a doctor leaning over the bed listening to Johnny's chest.

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