Chapter 10

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Mike and Johnny had not noticed Lizzy coming over to them while they talked until she plopped down in the sand in front of them. Johnny never had a chance to explain to Mike about him and Lizzy. "Well if it isn't Johnny Gage. How're ya doing? I see you've already seen dad."

Johnny smiled a huge Gage grin at the beautiful brunette. "Hey Lizzy! It's great to see you. This is my friend Mike Stoker." Mike smiled shyly. "Mike this is Lizzy. She's Gus' daughter."

"Hello Mike, so what brings you guys to the beach today? I figured you would be fighting a fire somewhere or rescuing someone. Isn't that what you do now, rescue?" She placed her hand on his knee with a familiar touch.

"He's a paramedic now," Mike said with pride for his friend.

Lizzy looked over at Mike with the most beautiful brown eyes he'd ever seen and smiled, "A para what?"

"Paramedic. He not only rescues people he administers medical care under the direction of a doctor over a radio at the hospital. He was one of the first ever in the county. He and his partner Roy Desoto are the best paramedics in the area, even the country." Mike spoke more than he usually would to a stranger, well to most anyone outside his friends at the station. He was such a quiet man. His long dissertation surprised Johnny who leaned back on his elbows and smiled watching the two talk.

"Wow Johnny looks like you have a fan here. I had no idea you were interested in medicine."

"I...uh....I didn't know either. I helped a man that was injured in an electrical accident one time. I got him to the hospital alive, but he didn't make it. I watched his family grieve for him. It was such a waste. If he had gotten medical care sooner, at the scene, he would have had a chance. The department announced this new training and well my partner Roy Desoto was recruiting people. I met with him on the last day, and he talked me into it. The rest is history. It's really no big deal. Just doin' my job." Johnny beamed with pride in his accomplishment. He hadn't talked about it in a long time.

"No big deal! Don't let him fool you Lizzy. He and Roy are the first into a burning building or raging river to pull out victims. They don't come out until the victims are found unless they get hurt and have to be carried out themselves. Johnny has scaled cliffs, wandered the sewers as they filled with rainwater, run into more burning buildings than I can remember, balanced on construction cranes, and all while giving medical treatment. He and Roy do a fantastic job." Mike smiled at his friend.

"We couldn't do it without the support of our crew. Mike here is our engineer. He drives Big Red and manages the controls. He is by far the most skilled engineer and equipment specialist in the department. He can use the K-12 better than anyone. Roy and I couldn't get as many people out to safety if we didn't have people like Mike backing us up."

"Okay," Lizzy said laughing. "I get the picture. You guys work together and admire the job you each do. Wow I don't know when I've heard such raving reviews. I'm glad things worked out for you Johnny. So I see you have your boards. Are you going to hit the waves today?" Again Lizzy looked at Mike for an answer. Johnny thought she was already beginning to like his friend and he was glad.

"Maybe," Mike said tentatively. "I don't really know how. Johnny's been teaching me."

"Well I'm going to." Johnny grabbed his board and left the other two in the sand. He slipped into the ocean with ease, mounted his board and with skilled strokes was soon in position to catch the next good wave. Several other surfers also were waiting in the water near Johnny. The next good wave came up and the other surfers were up and trying to gain momentum before Johnny even moved into position. Most of them were already down before he was up. He glided across the crest of the wave with speed and grace, riding the wave all the way into the beach. He looked up at Lizzy and Mike, waved and turned back to return into the water for another ride.

Lizzy looked over at Mike and saw how amazed he was at Johnny's surfing skill. "He's pretty good."

Mike glanced at Lizzy, "Pretty good? He's better than I expected. He could be a pro."

"He was."

"What?" Mike said shocked at her statement.

"Before he decided he was going to be a fireman. Well I guess he decided that before ever coming to California. That's all he ever talked about. Anyway, my dad taught him how to surf. He was good. A natural, so dad got us both into the pro circuit. Johnny won just about every meet he competed in. He earned quite a bit of money too. I think that's how he supported himself while he trained to be a fireman. Then when he graduated he just walked away from it all. That made a lot of the other pro surfers really happy. Now they had a chance to win a few competitions. Johnny was on the cover to several magazines. I'm surprised you didn't know that. He's kind of hard to forget. Ya know?" Lizzy watched Johnny ride another wave. There was a crowd gathering on the beach watching him as well.

"I didn't know. He's never talked about it. Johnny is very private about his life before the department. I had no idea. You really like him don't you?"

"Johnny? No, I mean, yes, but he's like a brother to me. My dad helped him out until he found his aunt. Well we dated some when we were running the circuit. I think it was more convenience. You know how it is. Everyone has a date, or there is that slime ball that doesn't and a girl needs protection. I love Johnny, but not like that."

Mike smiled happily at her comments. Just then Johnny returned. "Wow that was awesome." He characteristically shook the water from his longer than regulation black hair. "You should give it a try Mike."

"After that performance you just gave? No way man." Mike shook his head.

"Aw come on Mike. I'll go out there with you." Lizzy urged him on.

"Well maybe. If you'll help teach me how to do it. I just learned to stand up on the board. I don't know if I can stay up long enough to actually surf." Lizzy took Mike by the hand and picked up her board. He reached for his.

"No come with me on mine. I'll help you. It's nice to learn with a skilled surfer on the same board the first time." She led him down the beach. Mike glanced over his shoulder at Johnny, and like a teenage boy in high school he smiled and leaned his head toward Lizzy. He was going to surf with the girl he had been watching for weeks. He was clearly excited. Johnny fell back on his towel laughing. It had turned out to be a great day on the beach.

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