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Teacher- go learn the first four letters of alphabet when you go home

*boy goes home*

*sister doing her homework*

Hey sister what's the first letter of the alphabet

"SHUTUP you idiot"

*brother playing batman*

"Hey brother what's the second letter of the alphabet"

Dananananananana batman"

*father watching football*

"Dad what's the third letter of the alphabet"

'25! Hit it hard"

*mom making bread*

Hey mom what's the fourth letter of the alphabet?"

'My buns are burning my buns are burning!"

*boy goes to school the next day*

Hey you, tell me the first letter of the alphabet"

SHUTUP you idiot"

*teacher mad* who do you think you are

Danananananana batman

Teacher- I should spank you how many spanks

25! Make it hard

Teacher- how do you feel now

My buns are burning! my buns are burning


A dad and his son are at the grocery store standing behind a lady and the boy says "hey dad look how fat that lady is"

Ssssshhhhhhh quiet son she'll hear you

But dad look how big and fat that lady is

Sshhhhhhh son don't say that it's not nice

But dad look how big and fat that lady is!!!!

Sssshhhhhh son don't say that it's not nice and it's rude

Suddenly the lady's beeper goes off

"Look out dad she's backing up!"


I had a really bad day

I was swinging on the swing and the chain broke And I scratched up me face

Way to make me feel good about my weight


Jace tell the class a sentence with the word "geometry" in it

Jace- well one day a little acorn fell asleep and woke up all big so he said "gee I'm a tree"

(Say gee I'm a tree out loud)


A little girl named fufu went to class one day and the teacher said

How do you spell your name


The teacher sent her to the principals office

Principal- how do you spell your name



(Say it out loud )


A plane crashed every single person died

But 2 people lived

But I don't get it I said every single person died

The two people where a couple

( get it I said the 'SINGLE' people died)



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