Part 1

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After all those centuries I never thought my cursed life would have a turn such as this. I always did my best to avoid anyone's business and kept my opinions to myself. Until one vampire thought killing an innocent young woman only because she knew too much of our existence and magic. Not for her blood or something that motivates to turn her into vampire.

Spilling more innocent blood? No.

Naturally it is difficult to see some other shade of red when it already is red. It suffices that we vampire draw of the living just to survive. Why more? Did my rage and hate spread along with the venom? Are many blinded by that same rage as I did many centuries ago in my human days?

Why did I ever agree to that cursed offer of the damned demon? I should have let it all go and rest in peace with my beloved. No, I was too stubborn and determined to avenge the death of my father and brother and to do what is right for my country, my people.

I should not look into the past too often or I would not look forward. I have now after many years, centuries found few good friends. Including discovered that I have a destiny that was worth struggling so far in my cursed life. Becoming a protector and ally of a Guardian. What Guardians are you will know soon enough because it is no ordinary Guardian as you know it…

With this story that you are about to read it dates back a few years where it all started in Brasov, Romania. You are surly wondering whom am I? I am Vlad III Dracul. Yes, Dracul but not 'the' Dracula from Bram Stoker. I can assure you my appearance is different from what you have seen in movies or computer games nowadays. I look nearly as I did when I was human. Only the details have been changed for my own good. I do not wear a moustache anymore, cut my hair to shoulder length and look now about 15 years younger.

It started all then on one night as I was standing close to the edge of a roof watching over a deserted street…

A warm summer breeze passed through the entire town. In the distance I heard few cars honk, a siren of the police and a few drunken people singing. Not far away I heard a usual sound and a familiar one, clack, clack, clack. Someone was walking in a quick pace towards the street where I watch. Without a doubt a woman wearing high-heels. After a few moments the woman paced down the street. Always throwing a brief and worried glance over her shoulder. Shortly after her followed a dark hooded man at a certain distance. His blue-eyes stayed focused on the woman, which looked very suspicious. As he passed I leaped down landing silently as always. I have decided to follow the man. I know the woman made a wrong turn because this street leads to a dead end and a suspicious man following. You get the picture of how it can turn out.

It was a cry of a woman. I ran to where it came from. The blue-eyed hooded man held a knife to the woman's neck and pushed her against the wall. "Now stop shouting. The night is young to share and have small pleasures, zahăr (sugar)." Spoke the man in Romanian with an evil grin.

"Indeed the night is young but for different pleasures flăcău (lad)." I interrupted.

He looked at me for a moment as if he had seen a ghost.

Always the same expression when I catch them red-handed. It looks a bit hilarious to me. I could laugh but from the situation there is nothing to be laughing about actually.

"You'd better be walking home or I'll have something to cut." Noted the man aggressively while pressing the blade closer to the woman's neck.

"On the contrary." I sighed with a grin. "It will be I who'll do the cutting here."

"Are you the police?" He demanded what sounded pathetic to my ears.

"No. I'll let you live if you let the woman go unharmed." I responded truthfully.

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