Chapter 2

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It had been the best bus ride of Todd's life. Elizabeth's, too. The bus had been delayed, so they  were on it for an hour talking to each other. Todd was incredibley into her, and she liked him, too. He was also thrilled because for once, he was taller than someone, Elizabeth being 5'5'' and him 5'6". It was only an inch, but it might as well have been a foot for short people like him. He'd gotten her number, and he planned on calling her that night, and asking if she wanted to go to dinner or get a drink with him, but he didn't want to sound creepy. So instead he waited till the next morning when they saw each other on the bus. He'd discovered that she only lived two blocks away, all the more cause for his excitement. They'd met up and talked all the way to the penthouse. When the got there, Todd got the door for her, and they said their goodbyes for the day, promising to meet each other at the bus at the end of the day.


Todd was thrilled. Finally, he thought he'd met someone who was perfect for him. Elizabeth was really all that. She was smart, kind, funny, and hot as hell. Then he realized something: he hadn't even asked her if she had a boyfriend. Shit. Shit. What if she did, and she was just being nice. What if she only wanted to be friends? Dammit! Still, he decided to go for it anyway. Girls like Elizabeth didn't come around every day. And if she was single and he didn't try to go for it, he knew he'd regret it. Girls never really seemed to be interested in him, but Elizabeth had, and there was no way in hell he was gonna blow it.


Elizabeth felt very happy.  She thought Todd was wonderful. And she'd seen the way he acted around her. He was into her, but she didn't know if she was into him. She thought she was. He seemed special to her, he wasn't like all the other guys, who just wanted her for her body. He seemed genuinely interested in her, and that made her happy. Her last boyfriend had been a complete dick, not to mention psychotic. Todd didn't seem like that.

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