Chapter 1

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Todd Brotzman was not having a good day. Not by a long shot. He'd just got his car ticketed and toes because apparently he'd pared in the wrong lot. That had been this morning, and his day was only getting worse. He'd gotten yelled at by his boss for ten minutes for forgetting a room key, and forced to fix a sink which had resulted in one handle coming loose and spraying water all over him. He was soaked and pissed. He knew that he looked like an idiot already, and his stupid bellhops uniform wasn't helping matters any. His whole front was soaked and as he walked people stared at him. He arrived at the bus stop, and there on a bench sat one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. Her long blonde hair was tied back, and she wore a waitresses uniform. The same waitresses uniform that the waitresses as the penthouse suites that he worked wore! Of all days, he thought. The day that I look like total shit is the day that I run into the hottest girl in the country. And she worked where he did! How come he'd never noticed her before?! He knew he wouldn't have had a chance with her on a regular day, but now he was finished for sure. He sat down near her, figuring that she would scoot as far away from him as she could. But she didn't. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Bad day at work?" She asked with a smile. He laughed, surprised that she hadn't glared at him or laughed at him. "Hell yeah." They both laughed a little. "Me, too." She replied. "Really? Hey, do you work at the penthouse? You've got the same uniform as the waitresses there." She lit up a little. "Yeah, I do! You work there too?" "Yeah, unfortunately." he could believe that she was actually talking to him. Why would she want to? She laughed. "Same! I hate working there. The boss is an asshole." He laughed. "Definitely." he replied. He felt like he had made a connection with her, and she with him. "God i'm stupid. Whats your name?" He said, feeling like more of an idiot than he looked. She just smiled at him. "I'm Elizabeth. Whats yours?" "Todd." he replied. "Nice to meet you!" She told him. "Nice to meet you too, Elizabeth." Really nice. "So do you usually take the bus?" He asked her. "No." She replied. "My car got toed." His eyebrows raised."Same!" He replied. "Really?" They both laughed. Todd was thrilled that they'd hit it off well, usually he said stupid stuff when talking to girls. But with Elizabeth, he felt something. Something special. The bus came, and they got on together. He asked if he could sit with her and she said he could. Point one on the cosmic scoreboard for me, he thought, pleased with himself. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

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