Chapter Eighteen - The Beginning of the End of the End

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The man in the long coat turned back around, standing in front of Rosaline. When he spoke, his voice was as soft as steel-lined velvet. "What have you done to her?"

The girl in the white uniform leaped lightly off the arm rest and began walking toward them, a smile full of sinister glee on her face. "Well, when I had the Hunter Society devise this little trick, Rosie here wasn't supposed to wake up. She wasn't going to die, you see. The serum would just slow her heart to the bare minimum she needed to live, thereby slowing all of her other bodily functions as well."

"Sara, why don't you just throw her off the building and be done with it?" the scary-looking guy sitting on the sofa asked. "I understand your need for revenge, but this is taking forever."

The girl, Sara, whirled around in her tracks, glaring at him. "You know perfectly well that I can't do that, so instead of being a nuisance and telling me how to execute my own plan, Rido, why don't you just sit there and be content with your little humans."

Rido shrugged. There wasn't much he could do, even if he didn't mind Rosaline himself. Honestly, Kaname was the only thing he was concerned with.

Sara turned back toward Rosaline and the creepy guy standing in front of her. "As you can see, sissy, there were some...unforeseen side-effects. You must not have gotten the full dosage. Interesting. We knew there were some side-effects, of course, but we tested it on Level E's, who don't need as strong a dose as a Pureblood."

Rosaline furrowed her brow. Why had Sara called her "sissy"? As far as she knew, she didn't have any family. She was brought back out of her thoughts when the man in front of her spoke again.

"What is all this about, Sara? Why go to such great lengths to get revenge on Rosaline? What has she ever done to you?"

Sara's face contained near-uncontrollable fury. "Seriously, Kaname? Has your brain gone soft in your old age?" she asked as she stalked closer. "What is the only thing that I have ever wanted? What is it that Rosie took from me all those years ago?"

"Your sanity," Rido muttered from behind her.

Sara whirled around again. "Shut up, Rido. One could say the same for you, trying to murder your own brother."

Rido shrugged again, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, whatever. I'll shut up now. Hopefully this whole thing will be shorter if you just get with it and kill her already."

"Over my dead body," Kaname snarled. He'd had enough of these two, especially after what Sara did to Rosaline. Again.

Sara smirked. "That can be arranged." She looked over her shoulder at Rido. "Hold on to my sister until I'm finished," she said as Kaname prowled closer.

Rosaline saw Rido on his couch, then she blinked and he was behind her, one arm wrapped around her waist, pressing her against him, and the other draped around her neck. She automatically stiffened, her muscles as tense as taught wire.

Rido chuckled, his breath moving her hair and tickling her scalp. "Relax, princess. I'm not the one you have to worry about. Personally, I like you. Other than being married to that high and mighty twat of an ancestor of mine, you're not that bad."

"Um, thanks, I guess." Rosaline said. She turned her attention back to Sara and Kaname, who had begun their fight, in time to see Kaname take a hit that sent him skidding backward several feet.

"Damn. He needs to stop holding back" Rido said.

Rosaline tilted her head up to look at him. "Why are you angry Kaname got hit? Shouldn't you be rooting for that crazy Sara girl?"

"You'd have to kill me first," Rido said. "Sure, she's evil and manipulative, things I like in a woman, but damn she's bossy. "Rido, don't do that," "Rido don't do this," "Rido, shut up," Rido, you can't eat that human." God, it's annoying. Besides, the only one I care about is Kaname. I can't kill him if that crazy bitch kills him first."

"Uh-huh," Rosaline said slowly. "Then why aren't you helping him?"

Rido grinned. "Because you're so much more entertaining, especially since you have no idea what's going on after your memory got wiped. Oh, the fun I could have with you." He leaned his head closer to Rosaline's hair and took a deep breath, smelling her hair. "Mmm, you smell divine. Who knew their great-great grandmother could smell so good and look so sexy. I should've resurrected you sooner."

"That's not creepy at all or anything," Rosaline muttered. "You're worse than that creep Kaname."

Rido laughed. "This is hilarious. You can't even remember the love of your life when your own sister is desperately trying to kill him. I almost feel sorry for you."

"Why?" Rosaline asked, confused. It didn't seem like this man was capable of feeling any emotions toward someone else.

"Because you and Kaname aren't going to get that happy ending you both want so badly this time around either," Rido answered. He sighed. "Since I can't have the pleasure of killing Kaname if your nutso sister beats me to it, and frankly she's starting to piss me off anyway, I'm going to help you out." He laughed again, "And it's going to hurt like hell, princess."

With that, Rido lowered his head to Rosaline's neck and bit down. Excruciating pain radiated from the bite and Rosaline felt her blood being sucked out of her. The world began to go dark as she saw  Kaname throw Sara into the wall, her head rebounding with a crack. The last thing she saw was the fury on Kaname's face he turned and saw her in Rido's grasp. Then the world lost all of its light as she succumbed to the dark embrace of unconsciousness.

Do you guys realize that today is the second anniversary of writing this fic? It's been two years, people! Two long, excruciating years of Kaname and Zero being dumbasses and Rosaline having every imaginable problem happen to her. They should be happy it's almost over. I know I am...;)

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